沙棘是集生态与经济价值于一体的重要经济树种,对改良土壤、美化环境有重要意义。采用IBA 200 mg/L、150 mg/L、100 mg/L、50 mg/L 4种不同浓度浸泡插条16 h,在沙+土1∶1基质条件下,结果表明大果沙棘嫩枝扦插成活率最高的浓度是IBA 100 mg/L;采用雌株‘橙色’、‘萨彦娜’,雄株‘阿列伊’3个沙棘品种作为植物样本,以容易采集的河沙和当地壤土为原材料,配制沙+土3∶1、沙+土2∶1、沙+土1∶1、沙和土5种基质,采用最适浓度100 mg/L浸泡,比较插条成活率、生根数、生根根长,结果以沙+土3∶1作基质更利于插条成活,成活率最高达到93.6%。此外,在各品种之间,雄性品种‘阿列伊’最容易成活,‘萨彦娜’生根数最多,‘橙色’生根最长。
Seabuckthorn is a kind of important economic tree species with ecological and economic values, which can improve soil fertility and beautify the environment. The experiment was carried out with seabuckthorn tender branches and four kinds of IBA concentrations of 200 mg/L, 150 mg/L, 100 mg/L, 50 mg/L. The results showed that the concentration of IBA 100 mg/L got the highest survival rate in the matrix with the ratio of sand to soil of 1:1. In order to further study the influence of different substrates on seabuckthorn cutting seedlings under the optimal soaking fluid, three seabuckthorn varieties of ‘Orange', ‘Sayanna' and the male plant of ‘Alieyi' were used as the plant samples to study the survival rates in five kinds of culture substrates which were mixed with river sand and local loam according to the ratio of 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, total sand and total soil. The survival rates, root numbers and root lengths of different treatments were compared. The results showed the culture substrate with 3:1 of sand and soil was better for the survival of the cutting and got the highest survival rate of 93.6%. Among the three varieties, ‘Alieyi' male tree was the most likely to survive, ‘Sayanna' had the maxinum number of root and 'orange' got the longest roots.
Chinese Horticulture Abstracts
Hippophaer hamnoides L
softwood cutting
survival rate