以河北杨1年生健壮根蘖条或平茬条为材料,通过设置0(对照)、50、100、150mg kg^-1 4种IBA 浓度,选取粗度0.5-1.0cm 的插穗进行扦插试验,以筛选适宜河北杨硬枝扦插生根的IBA 浓度.结果表明IBA 处理后的河北杨插条成活率比对照高25.34-36.87个百分点,其中100mgkg^-1处理的成活率最高,比对照高36.87个百分点;各浓度间对生长量影响不显著,但与对照相比,都有-定的促进作用.
This paper is aiming at screening indole - 3 butyric acid (IBA)concentration which is suitable for Popu-lus hopeiensis cutting rooting.One year vigorous and healthy root canes and flat canes of P .hopeiensis were used, with coarseness 0.5~1.0cm,and four plants IBA concentrations including 0 mg kg-1 (control),50 mg kg-1 ,100 mg kg-1 ,1 50 mg kg-1 were set up.Cutting survival rate of treatments with IBA was higher 25.34~36.87% than that in control,especially 100 mg kg-1 processing treatment,survival rate higher 36.87% than control.Gross growth among various concentrations was not significant,but compared with the control,had a certain promoting role.
Protection Forest Science and Technology