目的探讨前葡萄膜炎并发白色白内障超声乳化吸除术治疗的临床效果。方法选取我院2013年8月~2015年8月确诊为并发性白色白内障患者15例24眼行超声乳化吸除联合人工晶状体植入术治疗,虹膜后粘连范围广泛采用23G玻切环切虹膜缘瞳孔再造,每例均行前囊膜染色。术后观察视力、眼压、瞳孔对光反应、前房炎症反应、并发症及葡萄膜炎复发情况。结果 24眼术后视力均有不同程度提高,1w后脱残率87.5%,6m脱残率92.7%。瞳孔恢复灵敏对光反应8眼,对光反应迟钝10眼,并发症包括后发性白内障1眼(0.04%),轻微虹膜后粘连眼3眼(12.5%),一过性高眼压眼3眼(12.5%),术后未见葡萄膜炎复发。结论前葡萄膜炎并发白色白内障常常伴随虹膜粘连,晶体全白膨胀,手术复杂,但选好手术时机熟练掌握手术方法,超声乳化吸除术安全可靠,视力恢复好。
Objective To evaluate clinical effect of phacoemulsification combined with implantation of intraocular lens on uveitis complicated white-cataract. Methods 24 eyes of 15 cases diagnosed with complicated white-cataract and uveitis from August 2013 to August 2015 were treated with phacoemulsification combined with implantation of intraocular lens. For cases with large range of adhesion of iris, 23 G vitrectomy was used to cut the edge of the pupil. Postoperative visual acuity, intraocular pressure, pupillary light reflex, anterior chamber inflammation, and recurrence of uveitis were recorded. Results Postoperative visual acuity of 24 eyes were improved in different degree. Restore rate is 87.5% after 1 w and 92.7% after 6 m. 8 eyes got sensitive light reaction, while 10 eyes with slow light reaction. The postoperative complications included after- cataract in1 eyes( 0.04%),posterior adhesion of iris in 3eyes( 12.5%) and transient high intraocular pressure in 3eyes(12.5%).There was no recurrence of uveitis in the follow- up. Conclusion White-cataract caused by uveitis often accompany with the iris adhesion, white cataract with expansion. But it's safe and reliable to have good postoperative visual acuity if we choose the right operation time and master surgical method.
Journal of Practical Preventing Blind
郑州市2012年度技术研究与开发项目(121 PCXTD523)