
信息网络传播行为的认定 被引量:24

Determination of Network Communication of Information
摘要 围绕着作品传播,存在两类性质不同的行为。一类是将作品本身作为最终产品的行为,可以称为"内容提供",另一类是不过问作品内容只为他人的内容提供援以技术设备辅助的行为,可以称为"技术支持"。区分内容提供与技术支持,其标准不在于支持内容传播的技术特征,而在于将内容向公众开放或传播的意思支配。具体来说,内容提供表现为发起作品的开放或有体/无体传输,从而使得行为人处在可就作品本身向用户收取对价的位置上。信息网络传播权的设立是为了因应新技术带来的网络用户在其选定的时间和地点得以接触作品的可能性,自备服务器提供作品只是可能性之一种,将利用他人服务器乃至不依赖服务器而提供"选定时间和地点"服务纳入信息网络传播权的范围,才更符合该项权利之设立宗旨。单就网页传播而言,可以通过观察服务商网页源代码的编写方式来区分内容提供与技术支持。一般来说,如果代码指向的网页呈现只是一个链接标识,属于技术支持,如果代码旨在将内容本身调入网页,则属于内容提供。 There are two different types of communication of works. One is the provision of works as end product, which can be called "content provision", and the other concentrates only on technologi- cally facilitating "works provision" regardless of the content of works, which can be called "facilities support". The standard for distinguishing content provision from facilities support lies not in the technological characteristics that support content communication, but in the control of will in the transmission of content to the recipients. More specifically, content provision means making the works available or transmitting them to the public, thus placing the actor in a position to collect fees from the user. The fight to network communication of information is aimed at adapting to the possibilities brought by new technologies for network users to access to works at the time and place they choose. Provision of content through one' s own server, however, is only one of such possibilities. It is more compatible with purpose of this fight to recognize any provision of works that gives users such access, by making use of someone else' s server storage or even not using any server, as falling into the scope of this right. As far as webpage communication is concerned, content provision can be distinguished from facilities support by observing the way of code writing. Generally speaking, a communication is facilities support if the code refers to a linking symbol, and it is content provision if the code is meant to incorporate the content itself into the webpage.
作者 刘文杰
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期122-139,共18页 Chinese Journal of Law
关键词 信息网络传播行为 服务器标准 用户感知标准 加框链接 网页源代码 network communication of information, server standard, user feel standard, iframe, webpage code
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