After the renal arteries were constricted bilaterally with silver clips,0.30 mm in internal diameter,the renovascu-lar hypertension was produced in all 55 operated Sprague-Dawley rats.The blood pressure values in the renovascular hypertensive rats (RHR) were higher and remained over 26.7 kPa.Febrinoid necrosis,hyalinosis and formation of micr-oaneurysm,that closely resmble the cer-erovascular lesions in human hypertension,were obsereved in the arterioles or small arteries.The attack rate of spontaneous stroke was 0.564(31/55) when the RHRS were fed with a standard rat.chow diet (0.23 protein,0.047 fat and 0.0024 salt).The type of stroke included cerebral haemorrhage,cerebral infarction,subarachnoid haemorrhage and mixed stroke.To be compared with the excellent animal model of stroke at present——the stroke-prone spontaneouslyhypertensive rats (SHRSP),the RHR are free from genetic deficiency,easy to be raised and can be supplied for studies in a large number,therefore the stroke-prone renovascular hypertensive rats (RHRSP) are more useful in the studiesof hypertension and its complications.
Chinese Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases