目的:探讨梅毒螺旋体(treponema pallidum,TP)抗体在诊断新生儿梅毒中的应用。方法:分别用甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(TRUST)、TP-ELISA和密螺旋体颗粒凝集实验(TPPA)法对84例确诊新生儿梅毒患者与100例健康新生儿血清进行检测。结果:三种检测梅毒螺旋体抗体方法的灵敏度分别为51.2%、98.8%和100%,相对而言,TRUST法不适合作为诊断新生儿梅毒的初筛试验。结论:TP-ELISA法灵敏度与特异性相对较高,操作简便易行,建议作为诊断新生儿梅毒的初筛试验;TPPA法由于操作繁琐复杂,可结合临床作为新生儿梅毒的确诊试验。
Objectives: To discuss the application of Treponema pallidum antibodies in the diagnosis of syphilis in newborns. Methods: Serum specimens in 84 newborns diagnosed with syphilis and 100 healthy newborns were tested by toluidine red unheated serum test( TRUST),TP- ELISA and Treponema pallidum particle agglutination test( TPPA) respectively. Results: The sensitivity of the three detection method was 51. 2%,98. 8% and100% respectively. In relative terms,TRUST was not suitable as a screening test for the diagnosis of neonatal syphilis. Conclusion: As TP- ELISA is of high sensitivity and specificity and the operation is simple,it can be applied in the screening test and the diagnosis of neonatal syphilis. Because of cumbersome and complex operations,TPPA can be combined with clinical neonatal syphilis as a confirmatory test.
Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality