
不同复杂阅读任务中英语词汇附带习得效果研究 被引量:16

A Study on the Complex Reading Tasks and the Efficacy of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
摘要 本研究探讨不同复杂阅读任务类型对词汇附带习得效果的影响。比较与分析两轮4组复杂阅读任务完成前后的词汇前期及词汇后期测试结果,对比研究阅读基础上的问答任务、写作任务、翻译任务及目标词汇接触次数最大化任务的词汇附带习得效果;通过对教师与学生进行访谈,深入了解讲授或学习效果,结果表明:被试者对阅读基础上的翻译任务较为熟悉;被试者对目标词汇接触次数最大化任务投入方式尚需鼓励。 This paper mainly focuses on the different complex reading tasks that influence incidental vocabulary acquisition( IVA) efficacy. Two-round lexical pretests and posttests concerning four complex reading tasks are compared and examined. IVA efficacy of the reading plus Q & A task,the reading plus writing task,the reading plus translation task,and the maximizing lexical exposure task are compared. Interviews with both teachers and students indicate that reading plus the translation task was a bit well-known to the subjects; the maximizing lexical exposure task was an incidental mode that needed more encouragement.
作者 赵龙武 李毅
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期125-128,共4页 Foreign Language Research
基金 黑龙江省高等学校教改工程项目(JG2014010612)的阶段性成果
关键词 阅读任务 词汇附带习得 效果 reading task incidental vocabulary acquisition efficacy
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