为满足空军某型号雷达对于高速雷达数据的记录需求,本文给出了基于ARM9和V5系列FPGA的记录模块设计方案,通过一种特殊方法,提高了Nandflash异步写入速度,同时实现了模块中高效的文件管理、掉电恢复、数据循环覆盖记录等功能。本系统软硬结合,充分发挥了硬件的潜能,成功研制了一种记录速度达1 GB/s同时具备掉电恢复、循环覆盖功能的记录模块,并装备某型号雷达。
In order to meet the needs of a certain type of air force radar that record demand for high speed radar data, this paper gives the module design what based on ARM9 and V5 series FPGA, through a special method, we improve the nandflash asynchronous write speed, at the same time, we also realized file management, power fail recovery and cyclic data covering records. We made the hardware and software combined softly and finally realized a module with not only 1GB/s recording speed but also power fail recovery and cyclic data covering records function. It is equipped in a radar.
Electronic Design Engineering