文中论述在复杂嵌入式系统中建立文件系统的重要性. 并提出将FAT16文件系统应用于嵌入式操作系统体μCOB的方案。根据FAT16文件系统总体的构架、基本的数据结构.针对嵌入式系统的特点搭建能够有效管理、读写数据文件的系统。其技术成熟,应用可靠,并且提供和μC/FS、Turho C类似的API接口。便于使用,易于移植。
In embedded system, an embedded file system has to be used to manage those files stored on different media such as CF memory card, RAM and so on. In this paper, a highly effective and widely used file system—— FAT16 was implemented for the sake of writing some files on a USB flash disk and these files must be identified by these operating systems, such as Windows98, Windows 2000, Windows NT.
Electronic Measurement Technology