目的:分析亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase,MTHFR)和甲硫氨酸合成酶还原酶(methionine synthase reductase,MTRR)基因多态性与胚胎停育的相关性。方法:采用q RT-PCR检测有胚胎停育史的妇女90例(病例组)和正常妊娠妇女99例(对照组)口腔黏膜细胞MTHFRC677T、A1298C和MTRRA66G的基因多态性,并对分布特点进行统计分析。结果:(1)病例组90例中MTHFRC677T纯合突变TT型41例45.6%,杂合突变CT型32例35.6%,野生基因型CC型17例18.8%,对照组99例MTHFRC677T TT型6例6.1%,CT型55例55.5%,CC型38例38.4%,3组基因型比较均有统计学差异(χ2TT=39.358,PTT=0.000,χ2CT=7.591,PCT=0.006,χ2cc=8.684,PCC=0.003);(2)MTHFRA1298C位点单基因突变,病例组中等位基因A、C频率分别为87.2%、12.8%,对照组分别为86.9%、13.1%。两组间A、C等位基因的出现频率无明显差异(χ2=0.010,P=0.919);(3)MTHFRA1298C与MTHFRC677T协同突变时只有1种CT+AC型,病例组与对照组的CT+AC基因分布频率分别为14.4%和4.00%(χ2=6.234,P=0.013);(4)2组MTRRA66G基因型AA,AG+GG及等位基因A的χ2值分别为4.78、11.343、7.846,P值分别为0.029、0.001、0.005,差异有统计学意义。结论:MTHFRC677T、MTRRA66G两位点单基因突变易造成胚胎停育;MTHFRA1298C位点单基因突变与胚胎停止发育无相关性;MTHFRC677T与MTHFRA1298C协同突变可能是导致胚胎停育的原因。
Objective:To analyze the relationship of the embryonic development termination and the gene polymorphism of MTHFR and MTRR. Methods :MTHFRC677T,A1298C and MTRRA66G genotypes were analyzed by quantitative PCR in 90 women with em- bryonic stop fertility history(case group) and 99 normal pregnant women(control group). The characteristics of distribution were ana- lyzed bystatistical software. Results:In case group, possibilities of MTHFRC677T 33(puremutant, 41 samples), CT (heterozy gousmu- tant, 55 samples), CC (wild type, 17 samples) genotypes were 45.6%, 35.6%, 18.8% respectively, comparing with 6.1%, 55.5%, 38.4% in control group. The results showed obvious difference in genortypes of TT, CT, and CC (χ2TT=39.358,PTT=0.000,χ2CT=7.591,PCT=0.006,χ2cc=8.684,PCC=0.003);(2)MTHFRA1298C mutated alone,the frequencies of A allele in case group and control group were 87.2% and 86.9%; the frequencies of C allele in case group and control group were 12.8% and 13.1% ;there was no significant difference between them (x2=0.010,P=0.919). There was only CT+AC when MTHFRA1298C mutated in collaboration with MTHFRC677T;the frequencies of CT+AC homozygote in case group and control group were 14.4% and 4.00%(X2=6.234,P=0.013). The comparison of the MTRRA66G polymorphism between case group and control group: Chi-square values of AA, AG+GG, allele A were 4.78,11.343,7.846(P values were 0.029,0.001,0.005). Conclusion:Single gene mutation of MTHFRC677T and MTRRA66G gene locus can easily lead to embryonic development termination. The mutation of MTHFR1298A-C can not induce embryonic development termination,but it may become arisk factor for embryonic development termination when it oc- curs with the mutation of 677C-T.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University