针对工业应用中的经济性与适用性的需求,在电机驱动控制一体化技术的基础上,利用FPGA的并行特性与IP核的硬件运算能力,在FPGA中进行了相关模块设计。以Nios ii为核心对系统进行运算调度,同时,不同的IP核分别读取电机的电流与位置信息、计算电机的磁场控制矢量,生成相关PWM波。最后在自行开发的驱控一体化试验台上证明了相关模块对电机驱动的有效性。
Based on the parallel functions of FPGA and the hardware computation ability of IP components. This paper focuses on the development and implementation of modular FPGA for a multi-motor drive and control integrated system, which is used for enhancing the operating and economical efficiency in industrial applications, Nios ii is in- troduced to system scheduling operation, several IP components are developed for reading the values of motor current and position signals simultaneously. Then, field orientation control module is implemented for multi-motor closed-loop control. After that, multi-group PWM waves are generated by the modular FPGA at the same time. The drive effi- ciency of multi-motor was increased by the hardware computation ability of IP components. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed FPGA structure is verified by the experiments, which are carried out on the self-designed multi-motor drive and control integrated system.