
辨证分型治疗慢性支气管炎急性期随机平行对照研究 被引量:1

Differential Diagnosis Treatment Chronic Bronchitis in Acute Phase Parallel Randomized Controlled Study
摘要 [目的]观察辨证分型治疗慢性支气管炎急性期疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将162例住院患者按病志号抽签法简单随机分为两组。对照组81例头孢曲松钠4g+0.9%200m L生理盐水,静滴,1次/d;吗啉胍,200mg/次,1次/d。治疗组81例辨证分型:风寒咳嗽-小青龙汤(法半夏、桂枝、五味子、白芍各20g,浙贝、防风各15g,细辛、生姜各10g,僵虫8g,甘草5g);风热咳嗽-麻杏甘石汤(鱼腥草、生石膏各20g,杏仁、款冬花、浙贝、桔梗、厚朴、金银花、黄芩、连翘、射干各15g,麻黄12g,桃仁10g,甘草6g);痰壅阻肺-益气益阳止咳汤(蛤蚧1对,菟丝子、葶苈子、桔梗各15g,山药炒、半夏各13g,肉桂、细辛各8g,干姜、附子各5g);肺阴虚-养阴止咳汤(麻黄灸、甘草、西洋参各15g,知母、杏仁、天花粉各12g,川贝母、苏子各10g,沙参、瓜蒌、天冬各8g);心气虚-益阳止咳汤(丹参、川芎各15g,蛤蚧1对,桂枝13g,红参、干姜各12g,附子10g,鹿茸8g);肺气虚-益气止咳汤(苏子、冬花、丹参各15g,山药炒、黄芪、半夏各13g,甘草、葶苈子、干姜各12g,桔梗、杏仁、麻黄各10g);肾气虚型-益肾止咳汤(肉桂、苏子、葫芦巴各8g,桔梗10g,生牡蛎、肉苁蓉各12g,枸杞子13g,人参15g);均1剂/d,水煎400m L,早晚口服,200m L/次。连续治疗45d为1疗程。观测临床症状、不良反应。治疗1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治疗组显效32例,有效46例,无效3例,总有效率96.30%。对照组显效24例,有效28例,无效29例,总有效率64.20%。治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.01)。[结论]辨证分型治疗慢性支气管炎急性期疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。 [Objective] To observe the Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis acute phase efficacy. [Methods] Randomized parallel controlled method, 162 cases of hospitalized patients by disease Zhi No. lottery method is simple and randomly divided into two groups. 81 cases in the control group ceftriaxone 4g+0.9% 200 m L saline infusion, 1 times/d. Moroxydine, 200mg/times, 1 times/d. The treatment group 81 cases Syndromes: cold cough-XQLD(Fabanxia,Guizhi,Wuweizi,Baishao 20 g, Zhebei,Fangfeng 15 g, Xixin,Shengjiang 10 g, Jiangchong 8g, Gancao 5g); wind-heat cough-Maxingganshi soup(Yuxingcao,Shengshigao each 20 g, Xingren,Kuandonghua,Zhebei,Jiegeng,Houpu, Jinyinhua, Guangqin,Lianqiao,Shegan 15 g, Mahaung 12 g, Taoren 10 g, Gancao 6g); phlegm obstructing lung type-Qi Yiyang cough soup(Hajie,Tusizi,Tinglizi,Jiegeng 15 g, Shanyao,Banxia 13 g,Rougui,Xixin each 8g, Ganjiang,Fuzi 5g); Lung Yin-nourishing yin and cough soup(Mahaung,Gancao,Xiyangshen each 15 g,Zhimu,Xingren,Tianhuafen each 12 g, Chuanbeimu, Suzi each 10 g, Shashen,Gualou,Tiandong each 8g); Heart Qi type-Yiyang cough soup(Danshen, Chuanxiong 15 g, Hajie,Guihzi 13 g, Hongshen,Ganjiang each 12 g, Fuzi 10 g, Lurong 8g); lung Deficiency-Qi cough soup(Suzi, Kuandonghua,Danshen 15 g, Shanyao,Huangqi,Banxia 13 g,Gancao, Tinglizi, Ganjaing 12 g, Jiegeng,Xinren,Mahaung each 10g); kidney deficiency syndrome-kidney cough soup(Rougui,Suzi,Huluba each 8g,Jiegeng 10 g, Shengmuli, Roucongrong 12 g, Gouqizi 13 g,Renshen 15g); both a/d, decoction 400 mL, sooner or later, oral, 200 mL /times. 45 d for a course of continuous treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms, adverse reactions. One course of treatment, to determine efficacy. [Results] The treatment group 32 cases, effective 46 cases, 3 cases, the total efficiency of 96.30%. The control group 24 cases markedly effective in 28 cases, 29 cases ineffective, the total efficiency of 64.20%. Treatment group than the control group(P〈0.01). [Conclusion] Differentiation and Treat
作者 张宁
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2016年第4期39-41,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 慢性支气管炎急性期 咳嗽 痰饮 肺胀 辨证分型 头孢曲松钠 吗啉胍 中医药治疗 随机平行对照研究 chronic bronchitis acute phase cough phlegm lung inflation syndromes ceftriaxone moroxydine medical treatment randomized controlled study
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