
基于接受与实现疗法技术对高自我污名初中孤儿的团体干预 被引量:7

Interventions by Mental Decontamination-Oriented Group Counseling in Lower Secondary School Orphan Students with High Self-Stigma Based on the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
摘要 运用接受与实现疗法(Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,简称ACT)技术对高自我污名初中孤儿开展心理脱污团体干预,从而解决其高自我污名问题,促进其社交能力的发展。依据孤儿学生自我污名心理测量结构,结合接受与实现疗法的理论框架,设计一套高自我污名初中孤儿心理脱污团体辅导干预方案,经《孤儿学校学生自我污名自陈问卷》施测筛选出高自我污名的初中孤儿40人,随机分配成实验组与对照组各20人,采用实验组对照组前后测实验设计检验干预效果。干预后,对后测分数、前后测分数改变量做独立样本t检验统计,显示实验组初中孤儿学生的自我身份敏感(t_后测=-2.687,t_改变=-6.483)、自我懈怠(t_后测=-3.429,t_改变=-2.091)、自我疏离(t_后测=-4.825,t_改变=-6.476)、自我狭隘(t_后测=-4.551,t_改变=-2.340)四种自我污名特质和总体自我污名(t_后测=-4.988,t_改变=-8.174)均显著低于对照组(ps<0.05)。在高自我污名初中孤儿心理脱污的团体干预中运用接受与实现疗法技术可以有效降低其自我污名水平。 This study aims to explore the interventions by mental decontamination-oriented group counseling in lower secondary school orphan students with high self-stigma based on the Acceptance and Commitment Them- py (ACT), which is expected to tackle the problem of their high self-stigma and promote the development of their social skills. Based on the measuring traits of orphan students' self-stigma, and the ACT framework, the present study developed a mental decontamination-oriented group interventions program. A total of 40 students with high self-stigma were selected as subjects by using the Orphan Students' Self-stigma Questiolmaire, and 20 of them were randomly chosen as the experimental group while the rest as the control group. After group interventions, the results reveal that the experimental group scored significantly lower than the control group in self status-based sensitivity, self-slack, self-alienation, and self-narrowness. This indicates that the use of the ACT in file group interventions by mental decontamination in lower secondary school orphan students with high self-stigma can help effectively reduce their self-stigma.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期84-89,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 辽宁省教育科学"十二五"规划2013年度立项课题"孤儿学校学生特殊心理问题的表现及干预研究"(JG13CB022) 辽宁省人文社会科学重点基地(妇女理论研究)项目"孤儿与留守儿童心理发展与教育关爱"(L060501) 沈阳师范大学重大孵化项目"去自我污名心理视域下的孤儿学生心理健康教育研究"(ZD201615)
关键词 自我污名 心理脱污 接受与实现疗法 团体辅导 孤儿学生 self-stigma mental decontamination Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group counseling orphan students
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