
应用型大学的缘起、谱系与现实问题 被引量:20

Applied University: Origin,Spectrum and the Problems in Reality
摘要 地方本科高校转型发展的方向是建设应用型大学。中世纪大学以及英美高等教育发展的历史表明,应用性是大学与生俱来的鲜明特征,应用型大学则是科技进步和经济社会发展到特定阶段的必然产物。在知识生产模式转型的意义上,当今所有的大学都面临应用转型任务。这一新的高等教育谱系的左端是理论为主型院校,右端是实践为主型院校,中间是理实结合型院校。培养高层次的"应用型人才"已经成为各级各类高等教育共同面对的时代课题。从狭义上理解,应用型大学既不是高等教育系统中的一个特定层级,也不是一种大学的称谓,而是一类大学的集合。这类大学有国别、办学层次、发展模式以及名称上的差异,但都具有与纯粹学术研究相对的显著的"应用性"特征。当前地方本科院校转型的主要障碍来自高等教育的系统性缺陷、非完全理性的计划管理体制和高等教育理论研究本身的孱弱。因此必须站在健全高等教育系统的高度,完善顶层设计,增加高等教育系统的开放性和融通性,尊重大学的理性和逻辑,改善理论研究的品格和质量,培育良好的高等教育生态,让各类高校在应用转型的道路上自主抉择,自主发展。 The direction of local undergraduate college transformation is to build applied university. The ex- periences of medieval universities and the development of UK and USA' s higher education showed us that appli- cability is a distinct characteristic of university, and applied university is the inevitable product of science and technology progress and the development of economic and social to the particular stage. In the sense of knowledge production mode transformation, all of today' s universities are facing the task of applied-oriented transforma- tion. The left sides of new higher education spectrum are theory-predominant colleges; the right sides of it are practice-predominant colleges; and the theory and practice bounded colleges are in the middle. Cultivate high- level "application - oriented talents" has become a topic of the time that various types of education at all levels to face together. From the narrow sense, applied university is neither a specific level of the higher education sys- tem, nor a university title, but a collection of special universities. This type of university in different countries has different levels, development models and names, but they have a common significant feature of applicability that is in contrast of pure academic research. There are three main obstacles to the local undergraduate colleges' transition, first is the flaw of higher education system, and the second is non-rational management; the last one is that the theoretical studies of higher education itself is very weak. Therefore, we must improve the top-level design that stands on the height of robust higher education system ; increase its openness and intermediation. We still must respect the ration and logic of university, improve the character and quality of theoretical research, cultivate good ecological education, and let various universities choose and develop independently on the way of ap- plied-oriented transformation.
出处 《重庆高教研究》 2016年第2期22-29,共8页 Chongqing Higher Education Research
基金 河北省教育厅2015年度高等学校科学研究项目"借鉴欧洲发达国家应用技术大学经验 推动河北省新建本科高校转型发展的理论与实践研究"(GH151019) 重庆市高等教育学会高等教育科学研究重点课题"全球化视野下地方高校的区域化战略研究"(CQGJ13B101)
关键词 应用型大学 高等教育系统 地方本科高校 转型 谱系 applied university the system of higher education local undergraduate college transformation spectrum
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