目的了解寿光市居民死亡率及死亡原因,为制订卫生事业发展规划和卫生政策提供科学依据。方法对2014年寿光市居民死亡监测数据进行分析。结果 2014年监测居民1 066 901人,死亡7 001人,死亡率为656.20/10万。男性死亡率为720.92/10万(3 881/538 343),女性为590.29/10万(3 120/528 558);0岁为489.95/10万(59/12 042),1~4岁为20.35/10万(9/44 223),5~9岁为9.88/10万(5/50 614),10~14岁为13.53/10万(7/51 749),35~39岁为90.96/10万(61/67 059),65~69岁为1 199.11/10万(620/51 705)。全部居民、男性、女性死亡率最高的前5位死因由高到低依次为心脏病、恶性肿瘤、脑血管病、呼吸系统疾病、伤害,分别占93.26%(6 529/7 001)、93.98%(3 650/3 884)、92.36%(2 879/3 117)。结论寿光市居民随着年龄的增大死亡率上升,心脑血管疾病、恶性肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病和伤害仍然是居民死亡的主要原因。
Objective To understand the mortality rate and causes of death among residents in Shouguang city,so as to provide scientific basis for public health planning and policy making. Methods Analysis was made on the mortality data among residents in Shouguang city,2014. Results In 2014,a total of 1 066 901 residents were investigated,in which7 001 died,the mortality was 656.20/105.The mortality in males was 720.92/105,in females,590.29/105,in 0years old infants,489.95/105,in 1-4years old children,20.35/105,in 5-9years old children,9.88/105,in 10-14 years old children,13.53/105,in 35-39 years old,90.96/105,and in 65-69 years old,1 199.11/105. Conclusion The mortality increases with age increasing in Shouguang city.Cardiocerebrovascular diseases,malignant tumors,respiratory diseases and injuries are still the main causes of death.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Causes of death