为了解长肋日月贝(Amusium pleuronectes)种群遗传结构,本研究应用6对引物,采用AFLP分子标记技术对中国海南4个野生群体(共134个个体)的长肋日月贝进行遗传结构分析.结果显示,6对引物组合共扩增出203条扩增带,平均每对引物组合产生33.8条扩增带;扩增带中的多态性位点共97条,多态位点所占比例为47.78%.统计分析了4个野生群体的多态性位点、群体Nei氏遗传多样性指数和Shannon’s信息指数等,并进行了UPGMA聚类分析.结果表明,4个群体的群体Nei氏遗传多样性指数在0.0957~0.1135之间,Shannon’s信息指数均在0.1493~0.1769之间,4个群体的遗传多样性均偏低.陵水群体(LS)和三亚群体(SY)的多态性位点的比率均为40.89%,潭门群体(TM)的多态性位点比率最低,为34.48%;4个不同群体间遗传距离都不大,SY与白马井群体(BMJ)间遗传距离最大,为0.0162,TM与BMJ间的遗传距离最小,为0.0049;没有发现群体特异性条带.分析了各群体内部的个体间遗传距离,结果表明,BMJ、TM、LS和SY群体内部的遗传距离分别为0.1217、0.1065、0.1212和0.1179.AMOVA分析结果显示,种群间的分化系数(Fst)为0.06834,基因流水平(Nm)为3.408.表明野生长肋日月贝的遗传变异主要来自群体内部,群体间的遗传分化程度不大.另外,在长肋日月贝的种质资源保护和良种繁育方面提出了建议.
The genetic diversity of Amusium pleuronectes in China is not clear at present. By using AFLP markers,the current research investigated the genetic diversity of four wild populations( Baimajing( BMJ),Tanmen( TM),Lingshui( LS),Sanya( SY)) of Amusium pleuronectes in Hainan Province of China. A total of 203 bands were detected with 6 primers combinations,and there were 97 polymorphic loci among them( percentage:47.78%). The Nei's gene diversity index and Shannon's information index of the 4 populations were analyzed.Results showed that,Nei's gene diversity index and Shannon's information index of the 4 populations are among0.0957 ~ 0.1135 and 0.1493 ~ 0.1769 respectively,indicating low genetic diversity of the 4 populations. The ratio of polymorphic loci is high in LS and SY populations( both were 40.89%) and low in TM population( 34.48%).The genetic distances between the 4 populations are not more than 0.0162( max: SY-BMJ 0.0162; min: TM-BMJ0.0049). No population-specific bands were investigated. The genetic distances within populations in BMJ,TM,LS and SY populations are 0.1217,0.1065,0.1212 and 0.1179,respectively. Result of AMOVA analysis showed Fst = 0.06834 and Nm = 3. 408. It indicated that the genetic differentiations between populations are lower than those within populations. Some suggestions in germplasm conservation and breeding were discussed in this paper.
Journal of Qiongzhou University