

A New Discussion about Liu Xie's Aesthetic Tendency from the Perspective of the Theory of the Relationship between Literature and Picture
摘要 刘勰不仅具有深厚的文学修养,还具有高超的视觉艺术鉴赏水准,他常以绘画、锦绣、衣服图案等物来比拟文字作品,而绘画、锦绣、衣服图案等物可以用"图像"一词来统称。顺着这些图像语汇,逐渐走进刘勰的精神世界,我们发现:他对文学与图像的异质性有着明晰的认识,深知文学重在表情达意,图像则重在存形留影;他持有文学高伟、图像卑下的审美观点,崇尚汉字组成的篇章,贬抑色彩、图案、纹样等构成的图像;他"丹青初炳而后渝,文章岁久而弥光"的论断从载体角度看绘画、从意义角度看文章,这种视角的不对等亦是其重视文学、轻视图像审美倾向的显现。本文将《文心雕龙》看作文学和图像关系研究的重要学术资源,在"图像"视角之下,从文学和图像关系理论的维度,对《文心雕龙》进行了重新研读和细致分解,力图对刘勰的审美倾向作出新的解释,进而开掘《文心雕龙》的思想资源,阐发其当下价值与现实意义,呈现给读者一个"新"的刘勰,以期为当前的文学与图像关系研究提供参考与借鉴。 Liu Xie was not only good at literature, but also had a high level of visual arts appreciation abili- ty. Liu Xie often compared writings to drawings, brocades, and clothes' designs, which could be called pic- tures altogether. With these picture words, we can gradually walk into Liu Xie's spiritual world and under- stand his aesthetic point. Liu Xie knew clearly that literature and picture were different from each other, be- cause the former is to express the feeling and meaning while the latter is to remain the shape and image. Liu Xie considered that literature was superb and pictures were humble, so he admired works constituted by Chi- nese characters, and restrained pictures formed by colors, designs and patterns. Liu Xie had a topic that picture was brilliant at first and badly discolored at last, but article could be brilliant forever. He treated picture from the perspective of material quality, but article from the perspective of meaning. This uneven perspective showed his tendency of ignoring pictures and emphasizing literature. In this paper, Liu Xie's book Wen Xin Diao Long is seen as a resource for research on the relationship between literature and picture. From the perspective of picture and the dimension of the theory of the relationship between literature and pic- ture, we read Wen Xin Diao Long again and analyze it closely in order to put a new explanation of Liu Xie's aesthetic tendency. Based on above discussion, we want to dig the resources of Wen Xin Diao Long, expli- cate its present value and realistic meaning, and show a new Liu Xie to the readers. We also want to gener- ate references to current research on the relationship between literature and picture.
作者 张坤 颜克成
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2016年第2期162-167,共6页 Ethnic Art Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"诗性文化与<文心雕龙>的诗性遗存研究"(12BZW011)阶段性成果~~
关键词 刘勰 审美倾向 文图关系 图文异质 崇文抑图 Liu Xie., Aesthetic tendency, The relationship between literature and picture, The heterogeneityof picture and literature, Admiration of literature and restriction of picture
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