
大中小学德育课程有效衔接应以高中为着力点 被引量:3

摘要 建国以来,围绕大中小学德育课程和教材的讨论和改革持续不断,课程体系更加完善,教材日益多样化,取得了一系列成果,但育人成效却不尽人意,原因之一是虽然德育居于首位却在实际中处于边缘位置。走出这一悖论必须要使德育课程"放低身段"、内容编排贯穿社会主义核心价值观、课程方式方法"接地气"、课程评价与学生道德认知成长相统一。在构建大中小学有效衔接的德育课程体系和教材体系过程中,要用社会主义核心价值观统领德育课程体系和教材体系的建设。社会主义核心价值观的重要来源之一是中华优秀传统文化。我国虽然在将中华优秀传统文化融入德育课程方面取得了一些经验,但总体上看中华优秀传统文化融入大中小学德育课程的衔接性不足,主要表现为教材衔接缺乏、教学区分模糊、学习效果不佳,造成了文化自觉和自信的不足,有必要通过完善内容融入层次性、区分教学方式和整合社会合力来改善。 After the founding of our country, the debate and reform about moral education curriculum and textbook are continuous. We made a series achievements in curriculum and textbook, not only the system of moral education curriculum becomes more perfect, but also textbook is more diversified. However, the effectiveness of education is unsatisfied. One reason is the paradox between the first place of moral education and its peripheral status in practice. To be out of it, the curriculum should be 'lower posture', the content should be arranged throughout the socialist core values, the teaching methods should relate the life and curriculum assessment should be unified with students' moral cognition. In the course of building the effective connection on moral education curriculum and textbook systems in educational system, it need to use Socialist core values to lead them. One of the most important resource of Socialist core values is excellent Chinese traditional culture. Though we gained some experience on assimilating the Chinese traditional culture into moral education curriculum, it still lacks connection. These are mainly reflected in the lack of cohesion textbooks, teaching distinguish fuzzy and poor learning outcomes, which make us lack of cultural self-consciousness and self-confidence. It is necessary to improve the hierarchy of content integration, distinct teaching methods, and social integration.
作者 胡敏
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2016年第2期4-5,共2页 Modern Education Review
基金 广东省委宣传部"培育和践行社会主义核心价值观"课题<构建大中小学有效衔接的德育课程体系和教材体系研究>(项目编号:WT1436)部分研究成果
关键词 小学德育课程 高中 20世纪90年代以来 课程衔接 接应 中小学德育 基础教育 课程内容 effective connection of primary secondary and higher education curriculum systems and textbook systems Chinese excellent traditional culture
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