
Living Library引入公共图书馆的必要性与可行性研究

Research on the Necessity and Feasibility of Introducing Living Library into Public Library
摘要 Living Library服务已相继被引入中国高校、私人、网络和少部分公共图书馆领域,美中不足的是,公共图书馆引入此项服务,呈现出规模不大、参与度低、活动形式僵化、主题单一、Livingbook类型不丰富、活动缺乏持久性等缺憾。为了延伸现代图书馆的服务功能,建设和完善中国公共图书馆多元化的服务体系,笔者在系统梳理Living Library的缘起、意义以及国内发展现状的基础上,重点分析了Living Library全面引入公共图书馆领域并使之成为规范化、常态化服务的必要性与可行性,以期将LivingLibrary服务早日纳入中国公共图书馆读者服务体系中。 Living library service have been introduced into China' s universities, private libraries, network and few of public libraries with small amount, low participation, rigid activity forms, single theme, lack of Livingbook types and fugacity activities. In order to extend the service function of modem library, develop and improve the diversified public library service system, based on the summary about the origin, significance and domestic development status of living library, this paper focused on the necessity and feasibility of introducing living library into public library and making it become normalized and standardized service, hoping to bring living library into public library service system soon.
作者 明月辉
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2016年第5期71-74,共4页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
关键词 LIVING LIBRARY 公共图书馆 图书馆服务创新 Living library Public library Library service innovation
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  • 1The History of the Living Library. [ 2009 - 5 - 2 ]. http ://living - library.org/the - history, html. 被引量:1
  • 2图书馆2.0中文论坛.见:阿伟在2008.12.14回复远洋过客的Biog. [2009 -5 -2 ]. http://cnlib20.ning. com/fomm/topics/a - living - library - and - living. 被引量:1
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  • 5A List of Living Libraries. [2009 - 5 - 2 ]. http://living - library. org/list - of - past - living - libraries, html. 被引量:1
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  • 7Latrobe Living Library. [ 2009 - 5 - 2 ]. http ://www. livinglibraries. org. au/images/upload~latrobe evaluation, pdf. 被引量:1
  • 8Living Library Participants. Douglas College. [ 2009 - 5 - 2 ]. http ://www. douglas, bc. ca/visitors/foundation/living- library, html. 被引量:1
  • 9Living Library, FAQ. Catalog Spring 2009. [ 2009 - 5 - 2 ]. http ://libinfo. uark. edu/diversity/. 被引量:1
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