
欧盟竞争法实施的新扩张——适用国家援助制度来审查成员国的税收征管行为 被引量:15

Expansion of the Implementation of EU Competition Law: Applying State Aid Rules to Review the Member States' Tax Administration Activities
摘要 欧盟委员会在2015年10月裁定卢森堡税务机关与菲亚特的预约定价协议和荷兰税务机关与星巴克的预约定价协议都违反了国家援助制度。这个裁定标志着欧盟委员会将欧盟竞争法中国家援助制度的适用范围从审查成员国的税收立法延伸到了审查成员国的税收征管行为。这次欧盟竞争法实施的新扩张进一步削弱了成员国的税收主权,同时也继续扩大了欧盟委员会的权力范围,表明了欧盟正借着参与当前全球税基侵蚀和利润转移项目的契机,加快欧洲一体化进程。 The EU Commission ruled in October 2015 that neither the Advance Pricing Agreement concluded between the Luxembourg tax authority with Fiat nor that between the Dutch tax authority with Starbucks is compatible with the EU state aid rules. This ruling indicates that the EU Commission has expanded its reviewing scope from the member states' tax legislations to tax administration. This expansion further weakens the member states' tax sovereignty and at the same time extends the power of the Commission,which clearly indicates that the EU is accelerating its integration process through participating in the present global BEPS project.
作者 李娜
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期36-50,6,共15页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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  • 1EU Commision,Commission Decides Selective Tax Advantages for Fiat in Luxembourg and Starbucks in the Neth-erlands are Illegal under EU State Aid Rules,21 October 2015, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-5880_en.htm, last accessed on 25 January 2016. 被引量:1
  • 2欧盟成员国税收立法权受到限制的条约基础是《欧洲共同体条约》第93条和94条. 被引量:1
  • 3See Government of the Netherlands Website, https://www.govemment.nl/ministries/rninistry~of-finance/news/2015/11/27/govemment-appeais-the-decision-in-the-starbucks-case, last accessed on 25 January 2016. 被引量:1
  • 4.U Commision, EU Competition Law-Rules Applicable to State Aidt EU 2014, ISBN 978-92-79-35609-4. 被引量:1
  • 5程卫东,李靖堃译..欧洲联盟基础条约 经《里斯本条约》修订[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010:312.
  • 6Case C- 30/59,Gezamenlijke Steenkolenmijnen in Limburg v High Authority, 23 February 1961. 被引量:1
  • 7EU Commision, State Aid Scorboard 2014, http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/scoreboard/graph9.jpg,last accessed on 25 January 2016. 被引量:1
  • 8EU Commision,Commission Notice on the Application of the State Aid Rules to Measures Relating to Direct Busi-ness Taxation,OJ C 384, 10 December. 1998. 被引量:1
  • 9Claire Micheau, Tax Selectivity in European Law of State Aid: Legal Assessment and Alternative Approaches, Eu-ropean Law Review, June 2015 , p. 323; Cristina Romariz, Revisiting Material Selectivity in EU State Aid Law-Or TheGhost of Yet-To-Come,European State Aid Law Quarterly, 2014,p.39. 被引量:1
  • 10Case 0338/11,Santander Asset Management SGIIC 5/4 v. Directeur des residents d I,Stranger et des servicesgin^raux, 10 May 2012. 被引量:1








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