过程监测是废水生物除磷工艺调控的基础。为了认识好氧吸磷过程的氧利用特性及氧利用速率(Oxygen Uptake Rate,OUR)在过程监测方面的潜力,利用富集的聚磷菌开展了不同初始基质条件下好氧吸磷过程的呼吸测量试验,调查了胞内聚合物(Polyhydroxyalkanoates,PHAs)氧化产生的OUR及其质量浓度变化与磷酸盐吸收之间的响应关系。结果表明:在没有外源COD条件下,伴随磷吸收过程的OUR响应明显,吸磷过程结束与OUR进入内源呼吸的拐点一致;吸磷速率变化、PHA氧化速率变化与OUR的变化特征存在明显对应关系;不同初始基质产生不同的PHAs组成与含量及不同的OUR曲线;经由耗氧量计算的PHA与实测结果比较接近。研究表明,可以通过呼吸测量实现好氧吸磷过程运行状态监测及PHA的软测量。
The given article is attempting to introduce its investigation results of the OUR response to the oxidation of PHA and its soft measurement in the process of the aerobic phosphorus uptake. As a matter of fact,the so-called process monitoring serves as the basic approach to regulating the sewage biological phosphorus removal technology. In order to clarify the features of the oxygen utilization in the process of the phosphorus uptake under the aerobic condition and the OUR potential for the process monitoring,it is essential to promote the urban sewage treatment plant to get the PAOs by inoculating the sludge by way of alternating the carbon source in the SBR while the enrichment effect can be assessed with the phosphorus release data,the phosphorus uptake and the ratio between the phosphorus release and it uptake. It is just for this purpose that we have investigated the specific phosphorus release rate and the PHAs synthesis rate under the anaerobic condition and discovered that the specific phosphorus uptake rate and PHAs degradation rate under the aerobic condition turned all to be higher than the data given by the previous reports. This proves that the PAOs have been enriched satisfactorily.In addition,we have also launched a respiratory measurement of PAOs absorptive phosphorus under the different initial substrates. In addition,we have also investigated the response relationship between the OUR change with the phosphate concentration and the PHAs oxidation. The results of our study with no substrate condition demonstrate that the OUR response to the phosphorus uptake is noticeable and the inflection point of entering the endogenous respiration is well in accord with the final results of the phosphorus uptake. The OUR curve signifies a clear-cut correspondence with the variation of the PHA oxidation rate and the phosphorus uptake rate. Furthermore,different initial substrates may also lead to different PHAs and OURs. For example,while the PHAs mainly contain PHB under the condition of acetate as the sole sub
Journal of Safety and Environment
environmental engineering
biological phosphorus re moval
aerobic phosphorus uptake