
基于知识守门者的集群吸收能力:内涵、运行机理与系统构建 被引量:1

The Absorbative Capability Based on the Knowledge-gatekeeper Theory:The Connotation,the Operating Mechanism,and the Systematic Construction
摘要 获取集群外部异质性知识对于保持集群知识系统的动态开放性至关重要。文章将企业吸收能力理论拓展应用到集群层面,对集群吸收能力的维度划分及其运行机理进行了阐释,并从集群外部知识源特征、集群内行为主体吸收能力差异以及知识守门者自身特性三方面出发,强调知识守门者这一核心异质性主体对有效构建集群吸收能力发挥了决定性作用。最后,从微观到宏观三个层面提出了系统性构建集群吸收能力的途径和政策建议,包括促进知识守门者的集群外知识获取与集群内的知识扩散,促进以知识守门者为核心的超集群知识网络构建以及树立知识守门者制定集群网络规则的制度合法性。 Acquiring heterogeneous knowledge outside the cluster is vital for keeping the dynamic openness of cluster knowledge system. Thearticle develops and applies the absorptive capability of enterprises to the cluster level and elaborates the dimensions and the operating mechanismof "the cluster absorptive capability". The article also highlights the importance of knowledge gatekeeper , which is considered as a coreheterogeneous subject, in effectively constructing cluster absorptive capability from three perspectives as , the features of the knowledge sourcesoutside the cluster, the absorptive capability differences among behavior subjects inside the clusters and the characteristics of knowledgegatekeepers. Finally, from micro to macro, in three layers, researchers proposed methods and policy suggestions in systemically constructingcluster absorptive ability, including promoting knowledge keepers' the knowledge acquisition outside the clusters and the knowledge distributioninside the clusters, improving the hyper-cluster knowledge network construction, which takes knowledge keepers as it essence and establishingthe institutional legality that knowledge gatekeepers formulate the rules of cluster networks.
出处 《当代经济管理》 CSSCI 2016年第5期7-12,共6页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目<知识守门者促进产业集群内源式升级的双重效应研究>(71502058) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目<产业集群中"知识守门者"位置 行为与影响的理论构建与实证研究>(13YJC630238) 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目<基于知识守门者的产业集群内源式升级机理研究>(14JJ3140)
关键词 演知识守门者 集群吸收能力 知识获取 超集群知识网络 knowledge gatekeepers cluster absorptive capability knowledge acquisition hyper-cluster knowledge network
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