
中国情境下国外工作嵌入模型的本土化修正 被引量:4

Modification of the Foreign “Job Embeddedness” Model in the Context of China
摘要 工作嵌入意指在组织内外各种客观因素约束下,组织成员在组织中形成的嵌入程度。国外经典工作嵌入理论模型包括组织和社区两个维度及相应的六大要素。基于中国情境,通过建构一个"问题—反思—重构"的分析框架,运用质性研究方法,分析中西方"社区"、中西方"家庭"、中西方"人际关系"存在的现实差异。国外工作嵌入模型中的"社区"维度不适合中国本土情境,应表述为"职外"维度;"家庭"应作为职外嵌入的核心要素;国外经典模型中的"社区联系""社区匹配""社区牺牲"三要素应分别修正为:人际关系、环境匹配、家庭牺牲。 "Job Embeddedness"(JE) means the embedding degree for employees resulting from inner and outer organization factors. The classical model of "Job Embeddedness" coming from western countries is composed of two dimensions and six elements. Based on Chinese context and by building a "problem-rethink-rebuild"analytical framework, the present study analyzed the difference between China-Western communities, the implications of China's "home" and the uniqueness of China's "interpersonal relations". The study argues that the"community" dimension of such model does not apply to Chinese context, and the "family/home" should be a key factor. The original dimension of community should be replaced by "off-the-job" dimension and its three elements shall be modified into "interpersonal relationship", "environment fit" and "family sacrifice".
作者 宋常青
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2016年第4期103-111,共9页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
基金 国家社科基金项目:"构建西部人力资源能力建设体系"(批准号:03BZZ030) 子课题"中外人力资源能力建设比较研究"资助。本文是该课题进一步研究的成果
关键词 工作嵌入 要素 社区 家庭 人际关系 Job Embeddedness factors community family interpersonal relationship
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