
基于URL共现分析的医疗健康类网站竞争态势研究 被引量:10

A Study of the Competition of Health Websites Based on URL Co-occurrence Analysis
摘要 [目的/意义]互联网医疗行业发展迅猛,探究当前医疗健康类网站的市场竞争态势,有助于更新人们对互联网时代下医疗行业的认识,同时为从业人员提供市场决策支持。[方法/过程]以站长之家医疗健康类网站综合排名前50位的网站为研究对象,借助微软必应(Bing)搜索引擎获取这些网站之间的URL共现频次,对共现矩阵进行社会网络分析,聚类分析和多维尺度分析等,来揭示它们的竞争关系和市场格局。[结果/结论]结果显示网站的中心性排名与站长之家排名显著相关,同时可将50家网站分为健康资讯和在线问诊类、网上药店类、医学工具类三大类,同一类团内各网站功能相似,市场竞争激烈。市场中影响力较大的为健康资讯和在线问诊类网站。分析结果与行业事实竞争格局大致相符,为URL共现分析用于竞争情报分析又提供了又一实证研究。 [Purpose / Significance〗 As online healthindustry is developing rapidly,the paper explored the current competitive situation of health websites,which can help people update the impression of the medical industry and provide marketing decision support for practitioners. [Method / Process] In this paper,we chose the top 50 health websites as research objects according to the rankinglist on China Z.com. With the help of Bing search engine,we got the URL co- occurrence frequency between these sites. Then we adopted social network analysis,cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis on the URL co- occurrence matrix to explore the market competition between them. [Result / Conclusion] The results showed that degree centrality ranking of these websites significantly correlated with their market positions. These 50 websites can be divided into three categories,within the same class,the competition is fierce. Health news websites andonline health consultation websites have greater influence in the market. The analysis results and the actual market situation are roughly the same. This also provides an empirical study of the URL co- occurrence analysis applying to competitive intelligence analysis.
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期98-104,20,共8页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"内容与关系互动下的在线医疗社区用户行为演化研究"(编号:71573197)研究成果之一
关键词 URL共现分析 社会网络分析 共链分析 健康网站 竞争情报 URL co-occurrence analysis social network analysis co-link analysis health websites competitive intelligence
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