The Zhong Yong(中庸,The Doctrine of the Mean) advocates that following the Dao(道,way) of dealing with all things to an extent that is just right, not going too far or falling short, is an approach to uniting the practice and teaching method of the Confucianist. It attaches great importance to this perfection, described as the 'Cheng(诚,sincerity,realness)' in the Zhong Yong. It can be said that the Cheng is the most abstruse and profound in the Zhong Yong. Rather than exploring moral ontology, the Zhong Yong places greater emphasis on the educational significance of establishing ethics and bringing other people to perfection through the Cheng. With much space for repeated arguments for perfecting the self, others, and things with the Cheng, the Zhong Yong releases a strong appeal for educational ethics, and connotes a wealth of education ethics thought. The Zhong Yong says that the quality of Chengdoes not simply consist in perfecting oneself. It is whereby one perfects all other things. The purpose of advocating the Cheng is to spread a concept of educational ethics, and centering on it build an system of education ethics. Firstly, people is the goal as well as the starting point of the Zhong Yong, in which the advocating of the Cheng is to search for a foundation for the education ethics from the perspective of human nature; At the same time, it also pays attention to how to shape and perfect people from the perspective of human nature. The Zhong Yong advocates that the Cheng is the key to the cultivation of the Dao in oneself, and to elucidate the Cheng is to look for a moral shaping theory. Secondly, building the Confucian education ethical system with the Cheng as the fulcrum is the mission of the Zhong Yong. The Zhong Yong, successfully proves that the Cheng is the fulcrum of teaching and cultivating in oneself the Way, thus completing the foundation for Confucian education ethical system.By revealing the intrinsic logic among the 'destiny', 'the human nature',the Dao, the Zhong and the Yong(中庸,bei
University Education Science
Zhong Yong
theory of Cheng
Ethics education
University moral education