
人体对住宅非空调环境热适应的聚类分析 被引量:2

Understanding Thermal Adaptation Patterns to Free-running Environment of Apartments Through Cluster Analysis
摘要 为了研究人体热适应群体状况,以北京城区的54个居住者为研究对象,在分析研究单个个体对住宅非空调环境热适应特性的基础上,从人体对室内环境的温湿度适应水平和温湿度对适应水平影响的交互作用2方面分析比较个体对非空调环境热适应的差异性.并采用聚类分析的方法,确定出人体对室内温度和湿度环境适应水平由强到弱的6类热适应状况和单纯对温度适应水平由强到弱的2类热适应状况,以此反映出人体对住宅非空调环境热适应的群体状况.进一步从统计意义的角度,研究分析了人体生理、心理特征与人体热适应状况的相互关系. Researches on individual thermal adaptation to freerunning environment in apartments inBeijing were carried out for 54 occupants, respectively. The individual adaptation characteristics werecompared among the 54 occupants from the two aspects: adaptation level to indoor temperature andhumidity ratio and the degrees of interaction between indoor temperature and humidity ratio. Then, thedifferences and similarities of individual thermal adaptation for all the 54 occupants were summarized.Furthermore, cluster analysis was employed to understand group status of thermal adaptation to freerunning environment of apartments in Beijing. Some typical thermal adaptation patterns were identifiedand future work was discussed. Finally, the relationship between thermal adaptation levels andoccupants爷physiological and psychological features was discussed in detail.
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期788-794,共7页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51278004) 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(8142004)
关键词 个体 热适应水平 群体状况 聚类分析 生理心理特征 individual group status interaction degrees cluster analysis physiological andpsychological features
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