

Industrial Innovations at Different Scales:A comparative Study based on Shandong Industrial Innovation Survey and Data
摘要 大型企业是否是山东省企业创新活动的中坚力量?数量众多的中小型企业创新活动是否活跃?不同规模的工业企业在创新活动的开展方式、经费、成功率、创新成效以及创新政策需求等方面究竟有何不同?本文采用山东省企业创新调查数据,对山东省不同规模工业企业技术创新活动进行多角度的研究分析。结果显示,我省大型企业是企业创新的主力,而中小型企业创新能力、创新活力和绩效与大型企业相比差距较大。这与山东较为特殊的企业发展环境有关,也与江、浙和广东以及国际上创新先进地区中小企业创新活力较强的经验相去甚远。 Are big size industrial enterprises the main innovators in Shandong province? How active if the innovation process of medium and small-size enterprises(MSE)? What are the differences among industrial enterprises at different sizes on developing methods, funds, chances of success, innovation effect and innovation policy needs? This article analyzes the innovations of different scale enterprises at various dimensions, based on the survey results. It is found out that comparing to big size enterprises who are the major innovators, the MSEs fall into a large gap of innovation. This gap roots from the industrial environment of Shandong. It is also concluded that the MSEs in Shandong are different from the MSEs in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong which are far more innovative.
作者 李晓力 周勇
出处 《科学与管理》 2016年第1期13-21,共9页 Science and Management
关键词 规模企业 创新 比较 Scale Enterprise Innovation Compare
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