目的探讨PC-3细胞冻融抗原致敏的树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)疫苗(PC-3-DC)对荷人前列腺癌免疫重建NOD/SCID小鼠(hu-PBL-NOD/SCID)的抑瘤作用。方法采用人外周血淋巴细胞腹腔注射法建立hu-PBL-NOD/SCID小鼠模型,随机分为实验组(PC-3-DC组)和对照组(DC组、PBS组),腹腔分别注射PC-3-DC疫苗、未致敏的DC和PBS。每周1次,共2次,然后接种1×107PC-3细胞,观察鼠成瘤率、成瘤潜伏期、肿瘤体积以及测定特异性CTL活性。结果 ELISA法可检测到小鼠血清中人lg G水平,hu-PBL-NOD/SCID嵌合模型重建成功,各组小鼠间成瘤率无明显差异。但PC-3-DC组成瘤潜伏期延长,肿瘤生长缓慢,2周后肿瘤体积明显小于DC组和PBS组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。实验组脾淋巴细胞对PC-3细胞有特异性杀伤效应,而对K562细胞则无杀伤活性。结论负载PC-3冻融抗原的DC疫苗可诱导人T淋巴细胞活化增殖,能有效抑制hu-PBL-NOD/SCID小鼠肿瘤的生长。
Obje ctive To study the effect of dendritic cells( DC) stimulated by PC- 3 cells lysate inhibiting tumor action in human immune reconstruction NOD / SCID mice model bearing human prostate carcinoma. Me thod Human immune reconstruction NOD / SCID mice model was established by intraperitoneal injection of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. The PC- 3 DC vaccine,naive DC PBS were injected respectively,and then they were injected subcutaneously with 1 × 107 PC- 3 cells. Tumorigenic rate,latent period,and tumor volume were observed,and specific CTL activity were measured. Re sult The serum concentration of human lg G in hu- PBL- NOD / SCID mice model confirmed by Elisa suggested that the hu- PBL- NOD / SCID mice model was established successfully. Tumorigenic rate was the same among these groups. However,tumors grew slowly in PC- 3 DC vaccine groups,and its latent period was prolonged.Tumor volumes were significantly smaller than those in control group two weeks later. The splenic cells in PC- 3 DC vaccine groups would specifically kill PC- 3 cells but not K562 cells. Conclusion The PC- 3 DC vaccine could induce activation of T lymphocytes and anti- tumor immune response in human immune reconstruction NOD / SCID mice model bearing human prostate carcinoma.
Journal of Jiujiang University:Natural Science Edition