为了验证果皮激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)预测果肉重金属元素分布规律的可行性,以市售新鲜赣南脐橙为例,先对新鲜脐橙果皮进行LIBS光谱采集,得到样品在300~850 nm之间的光谱图。LIBS图谱显示赣南脐橙中含有丰富的矿质元素Ca,Na,K和Fe以及有机物质H,O,C,N,对于Cu元素则直接探测不到特征光谱。通过阳极溶出伏安法(ASV)测试获取新鲜脐橙果皮果肉中Cu元素的平均浓度分别为0.5524 mg/kg和0.3056 mg/kg,均在国家标准GB-2004规定的安全限量范围(10 mg/kg)之内,果皮与果肉浓度比约为1.8891。对于烘干后的脐橙皮,经过压片处理后,采集脐橙皮干样的LIBS光谱,Cu元素谱线清晰。说明经过简单的烘干压片物理方法处理后,LIBS有望通过采集干样光谱信息,辅助以各种光谱数据预处理及化学计量学分析方法,实现对新鲜脐橙样品中Cu元素的分布规律进行预测,并推广到其它水果中重金属元素的分析应用中。
To validate the feasibility of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy( LIBS) in predicting distribution of Cu between peel and pulp in fruits,the fresh navel oranges were chosen as targets. In this work,LIBS spectra of peel in 300 ~ 850 nm of fresh samples were collected and the results showed that Gannan navel orange contains abundant mineral elements such as Ca,Na,K,Fe and organic matter such as H,O,C and N,but Cu was undetectable directly. The content of Cu in peel and pulp was acquired by Anodic Stripping Voltammeter( ASV)in fresh samples. The results revealed that average concentration of Cu is 0. 5524 mg / kg in peel and0. 3056 mg / kg in pulps,respectively. The ratio between peel and pulp is about 1. 8891,which displayed the distribution was clear. After the dry peel samples were powdered and pressed,the characteristic spectrum line of Cu was detectable obviously in LIBS spectra. The limited content of Cu was below 10 mg / kg by qualified national standards GB-2004. The results demonstrated that it feasible to detect Cu in Gannan navel orange after the fresh samples were pretreated simply by physical methods such as drying and pressuring into pellets. And it is helpful to predict the distribution of heavy metals in fruits by means of green method without pollution.
Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory