
公共图书馆建筑空间使用率研究与评价 被引量:2

Research and Evaluation on the Space Utilization Rate of Public Library
摘要 随着文化事业的大力推进,公共图书馆建设也在迅速发展,不断地朝着大空间方向迈进。然而在当今社会提倡资源节约的前提下,公共图书馆实际的空间使用效能是否合理,则需要我们的验证与研究。该文就此现状提出研究公共图书馆建筑内部空间使用率的方法与评价体系,从三方面——空间量化研究、空间的认知研究和使用情况研究来验证分析公共图书馆内部空间的使用率。希望以此来验证已建成的公共图书馆内部空间的活力,并且对设计中的图书馆做出设计指导,同时为研究公共图书馆空间的设计与使用率提出新的方法。 With the promotion of cultural undertakings, the construction of public library is developing rapidly. More and more libraries are designed to be larger space. However, the society advocates the premise of resource conservation. It is necessary to verify and research whether the space effi ciency of a public library is reasonable or not. So in this paper, we put forward the method and the evaluation system of the space utilization rate of public library from quantifying the potency spatial configuration, researching the spatial cognition and the usage of space. In order to verify the vitality of the space in the public library had been built, and make design guidance to the design of the library. Finally we put forward a new method to research the design and utilization rate of public library space.
出处 《华中建筑》 2016年第4期128-131,共4页 Huazhong Architecture
基金 北京市人才培养模式创新试验项目-建筑学卓越人才培养(市级)项目(编号:PXM2015_014212_000022)
关键词 公共图书馆 空间使用率 空间效能 Public library Space utilization rate Space effi ciency
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