

An Anthropological Study on the Reciprocal Community of “Xiaolian Association” in Southwestern Mountain Ethnic in China
摘要 "孝联会"是贵州毛南族村落社区一种具有互惠性质的社会组织。在该区域独特的自然生境及人群聚族而居的分布格局基础上产生的这种社会组织,有效地应对了因村落突发事件而导致的社会失序现象,从而增强其成员的凝聚力与集体认同感。在当代社会文化变迁语境下,其功能也在逐渐发生转型,逐渐参与到道路修建、文艺活动、纠纷调解等村落其他公共事务活动之中,发挥着一定的社会影响力。对这类社会组织的深入研究,有助于发挥其在民族乡村社区社会主义新农村建设的积极作用。 "Xiaolian Association" is a reciprocal social organization of Maonan village in Guizhou province.The distribution pattern of the unique natural habitat and population in the region are analyzed with related theories in the present study. This organization effectively managed social disorder caused by the sudden events in the village, thus enhancing the unity and collective identity of the members. In the context of contemporary social and cultural changes, its function is changing with people being more actively participating in events such as road construction, art activities, disputes mediation and other public affairs in the village, which exerts a certain social influence on local community. The study is aimed to provide implications for the construction of new socialist countryside in the minority group areas.
作者 龙国庆
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2016年第3期104-115,共12页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
关键词 当大事 贵州毛南族 乡规民约 孝联会 important event Maonan Nationality in Guizhou village rules and customs Xiaolian Association
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