Cooperation in social dilemmas has received considerable attention during the last decades. In the repeated social dilemmas settings, individuals' contributions decline over time and finally reach a minimum when the interaction terminates. However, it is observed that individuals try to increase their contributions in their initial stage of interactions. A previous study using a step-level public good dilemma verified that those who contributed a lot in their first interaction demonstrated high levels of contribution in their subsequent interactions, whereas those who did not contribute much increased their levels of contribution subsequently. In addition, the cooperative level of low contributors increased along with their cooperative belief. In the current study, we aimed to replicate those findings using a different task, i.e., a continuous public good dilemma, and to examine the role of cooperative belief in cooperation. The design was a 2 (peer behavior: equality violation vs. equality compliance) x 2 (decision stage: first vs. second) mixed factor design, with the latter being a within-subjects variable. 60 college students (Mag,=21.13, 27 males) were recruited from a university campus. They were randomly assigned to the equality compliance or violation condition. For each session, a group of six participants were first instructed to make their allocations in a continuous public good game, and then assessed their cooperative believes. Thereafter, manipulation on peer behavior was introduced. In the equality compliance condition, participants believed that most members complied with an equal allocation rule, whereas in the equality violation condition, only one of five other members gave a cooperative allocation and the rest contributed far less than an equal level. Thereafter, the participants were provided another chance to make their allocation decisions and to rate their cooperative belief. In addition, they also assessed their social value orientation. Based on their first decisions
Journal of Psychological Science
cooperation, social dilemmas, cooperative belief, peer behavior, social value orientation