Phonetic category is an important concept in speech perception. Generally, phonetic categories include consonant and vowel categories. Inphonetics, these two categories have many differences in the acoustic and articulatory features. Using the priming paradigm, the present study aimedto explore the differences of priming effects when perceiving the consonant and vowel continua. With non-speech and speech sounds as the primingsounds, the consonant or vowel category continuum as the target sounds, the response time and the percentage of category response as the dependentvariables, the present study examines the priming effect differences of consonant and vowel perception with two experiments. In Experiment 1, the priming effect of consonant perception was examined. The target sound was a Chinese stop contrast continuum,/ta/-/ka/,which was synthesized by varying the onset frequency of F3 (the third formant) transition. The priming sounds were two non-speech sine-wave tonesand two speech sounds. The frequency of two tones was equal to the F3 onset frequency of/ta/and/ka/respectively. The onset 100ms segments of/ta/and/ka/acted as two speech priming sounds. Participants were asked to identify the target sounds by pressing buttons labeled with "da" or "ga" asquickly as possible. The results showed that both pure tones and speech primes influenced the percentage of consonant identification, pure tone primesincreased the response of spectral-matched consonant categories, while speech primes increased the response of spectral-opposed consonant categories.In addition, only speech primes showed the priming effect in response time for spectral-matched categories. In Experiment 2, the priming effect of vowel perception was examined. The target sound was a Chinese vowel category continuum,/a/-/e/. Thepriming sounds were two pure tones and two speech sounds. The frequency of two pure tones was set at the F2 frequency of/a/and/e/respectively.The onset lOOms segments of/a/and/e/served as speech primes. The results ind
Journal of Psychological Science
phonetic category, consonant, vowel, pure tones, priming effects