
克里斯特娃性别诗学研究述评(1980-2000) 被引量:1

A Commentary on the Study of Julia Kristeva's Gender Poetics( 1980- 2000)
摘要 摭取1980—2000年间国内克里斯特娃性别诗学研究的基本成果,经历时爬梳和共时比照,试图还原该时期(引介期与拓展期)克里斯特娃性别诗学研究的历史剖面。以西方学界的研究境况为鉴,澄明国内克里斯特娃性别诗学研究的特点、优长与局限,探求研究发展的内在逻辑,评骘得失。国内对克里斯特娃性别诗学的译介较为晚近,摹绘中国文艺理论批评界对其性别诗学研究从基本空白到微芒初露的发展过程,殊有必要。通过刻写、评述该时期克里斯特娃性别诗学研究的历史样态,对进一步反思和推进国内西方文论研究具有重要意义。 Taking the basic research results on the study of Julia Kristeva's gender poetics in China( 1980-2000),through diachronic research and synchronic comparison,this paper tries to restore the history features to the study of Kristeva's gender poetics in this period( the stages of introduction and development). To learn from the western academic research situation,this paper intends to clarify domestic study's characteristics,advantages and limitations,explore the internal logic of development in this research,and evaluate gains and losses. The translation about Kristeva 's gender poetics is relatively recent in China,so it is necessary to outline the developing research process from almost blank to initial stage in Chinese literary theory academics.Describing and reviewing the history features on the study of Kristeva's gender poetics in this period is of great significance in further reflection and promotion of the research on western literary theory in China.
作者 姚一诺
出处 《湖北第二师范学院学报》 2016年第1期9-14,共6页 Journal of Hubei University of Education
关键词 克里斯特娃 性别诗学 女性主义 文学批评 Julia Kristeva gender poetics feminism literary criticism
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  • 4Julia Kristeva, Revolution in Poetic Language, trans. Margaret Waller, New York: Columbia University Press, 1984,p. 17. 被引量:1
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  • 8克里斯特娃著,陈永国译.《过程中的主体》,载汪民安、陈永国、马海良主编《后现代性的哲学话语:从福柯到赛义德》第120页,浙江人民出版社2000年版. 被引量:1
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