Taking the 57 men's singles matches and 50 women's singles matches of elite table tennis players in the world as the sample,and using competition observation as a data collection method,this study analyzed the tactical factors of elite table tennis players with the multiple regression analysis and path analysis method. The relationship between the tactical factors is characterized as follows. 1. The importance of the tactical factors is different for the male and female players. The attack-after-serve ability is the first important tactical factor for both male and female players,and the second most important factor is the attack-after-receiving ability. The rally ability in the serving round of the male player is also the second most important factor,same as the attack-after-receiving ability,but its importance is greater than the rally ability in the receiving round. On the contrary,the rally ability in the receiving round of the female player is the third most important factor,and its importance is higher than the rally ability in the serving round. 2. There is an interaction effect between the tactical factors,which varies with the phase and the sex. The interaction effect in women's singles is higher than in men's singles,and is mainly reflected in the attack-after-serve phase,the rally phase in the serving round and the rally phase in receiving round. Importance should be attached to the effect in research and training.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education
table tennis
tactics factors
multiple regression
path analysis