目的:研究真实世界中急性胰腺炎患者人数、中医证候与发病节气规律。方法:提取全国19家三级甲等医院2008年-2010年第一诊断为"急性胰腺炎"的5 433例患者数据,将诊断名词标准化后重新提取,用Microsoft Office Excel 2007绘图。结果:急性胰腺炎男女患病比率为1.5∶1,入院患者年龄集中在18-89岁(97.07%);急性胰腺炎入院人数最高的节气是白露,其次为小暑、寒露。肝胆湿热证是急性胰腺炎临床多发证型,占50.28%,其次为气滞血瘀证,占25.42%。结论:急性胰腺炎入院人数最高的季节是秋季,节气主要为白露、小暑、寒露,中医证候最多的为肝胆湿热证,次之为气滞血瘀证;故中医治疗宜疏肝理气、清热利湿、活血化瘀、行气导滞。
Objective: To study the regularity between solar terms and TCM syndromes of acute pancreatitis patients in the real world. Methods: The 5 433 patients' data with the first diagnosis as ‘acute pancreatitis' from 19 level 3-Grade A hospitals during 2008 to 2010 were extracted. Diagnostic terms were standardized and re-extracted. The figures were drawn by using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Results: The male female ratio in patients with acute pancreatitis was 1.5∶1, and the age of inpatients concentrated within 18 to 89 years old(97.07%). In the White Dew, the amount of inpatient with acute pancreatitis was the largest, and followed by Lesser Heat, Cold Dew, Autumnal Equinox and Beginning of Autumn. Syndrome of dampness-heat of liver and gallbladder was the most common syndrome of acute pancreatitis that accounted for 50.28%, followed by syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis which accounted for 25.42%. Conclusion: In autumn, the amount of inpatient with acute pancreatitis is the largest, and the TCM treatments for this disease are dispersing stagnated liver qi, clearing heat and promoting diuresis, promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis, and activating qi flowing and removing food stagnation.
China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy