本文针对深圳变电站超规模扩建第三台联络变压器的500 k V进线方案,分别采用交联聚乙烯(XLPE)电缆和气体绝缘管道母线(GIB)进行技术经济比较。GIB较XLPE电缆具有工艺成熟、性能优越、安全可靠的技术优势,同时在全寿命周期来看经济可行。深圳站第三台联络变压器进线最终采用750单相米的500 k VGIB架空敷设,敷设路径包括屋面、围墙、道路以及狭窄区域。通过技术参数、方案设计、地基处理三方面总结工程经验,为GIB在空间紧张、布置困难的变电工程中应用提供参考。
Shenzhen substation is ultra-scale extending the NO.3 connecting transformer.500 kV XLPE cable and GIB incoming feeder schemers of the NO.3 connecting transformer were analysed through techno-economic comparison in this paper.Compering to XLPE cable,GIB is more technically mature,superior performance and reliable.On the other side of life cycle cost(LCC),GIB schemer is economically feasible.The NO.3 connecting transformer incoming feeder finally adopt GIB schemer with length of 750 meters,its aerial installation path contains roof,wall,road and narrow area.Engineering experiences are summarized from three aspects of technical parameters,schemer design and foundation constructing.These experiences could be used for reference in other substation extending,where the tension space is too difficult to arrange and GIB is adopted.
Southern Energy Construction