从Gen Bank下载多刺蚁属26个不同种的细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅱ(COXⅡ)蛋白部分氨基酸序列进行分析,研究多刺蚁细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅱ的氨基酸序列变异和系统进化关系。多刺蚁属种间存在氨基酸变异位点84个,占总氨基酸数目的 36%,而N端跨膜螺旋区氨基酸保守性最高。采用MEGA 4.0构建的邻接法(NJ)系统发育树表明:佛瑞尔刺蚁(Polyrhachis foreli)和甲胄刺蚁(Polyrhachis andromache)聚为一枝,双钩刺蚁(Polyrhachis bihamata)和叉形刺蚁(Polyrhachis ypsilon)聚为一枝,麦凯刺蚁(Polyrhachis mackayi)、澳洲刺蚁(Polyrhachis australis)和软毛刺蚁(Polyrhachis pilosa)三个种聚为一枝,这些种间亲缘关系较近;基于COXⅡ蛋白序列的系统发育关系分析与基于细胞色素b蛋白的系统发育关系既存在一致性,也存在一定的差异。多刺蚁属中序列变异度最大的4个种的COXⅡ对应的3D结构在螺旋和折叠排列方式上完全相同,表明多刺蚁属内COXⅡ序列变异并不影响其结构的形成。
Partial amino acid sequences ofcytochrome c oxidase subunit Ⅱ (COX Ⅱ ) from 26 species of Polyrhachis were derived from GenBank and used for our analysis. Sequence variation and phylogenetic relationship of COX Ⅱ proteins were studied using these sequences. Among Polyrhachis, there were 84 variation sites in the partial sequences of COX Ⅱ that accounted for 36% of total number of amino acids analyzed, whereas N-terminal membrane-spanning regions showed the highest identity. Phylogenetic analysis under the Neighbor-Joining (N J) was performed using MEGA 4.0. The results showed that Polyrhachis foreli and Polyrhaehis andromaehe formed a monophyletic group, Polyrhaehis bihamata and Polyrhaehis ypsilon formed a monophyletic group, Polyrhachis rnaekayi, Polyrhachis australis and Polyrhachis pilosa formed a monophyletic group, COX Ⅱ proteins from these ant species were phylogenetically related. There was not only consistency but also difference in the phylogenetical relationships derived from cytochrome b proteins and cytochrome c oxidases. In the 3D structures of the COX Ⅱproteins for four different species of Polyrhachis that showed the maximum sequence variation, the mode of arrangement of helix and sheet was substantially same, suggesting that sequence variation of Polyrhachis COX Ⅱ amino acids had no influence on their 3D structures.
Genomics and Applied Biology