
新疆旅游餐饮品牌化中学习机制研究——基于品牌社群视角 被引量:2

A Study of Learning Mechanism of Tourism Catering Branding in Xinjiang——From the Perspective of Brand Community
摘要 本文以心理学理论、品牌社群理论、品牌创建理论等为基础,以新疆旅游餐饮品牌化为研究对象,构建了品牌化中"学什么"和"怎样学"的耦合的、以品牌社群为平台的学习机制。从新疆旅游餐饮品牌化学习中引发的品牌核心(即新疆旅游餐饮价值主张)和品牌元素(即新疆旅游餐饮品牌特征化设计)两个方面来界定"学什么";基于线上和线下品牌社群构建品牌学习深度认知和广度认知两个维度的"怎样学"机理。深度认知的学习机理是:新疆旅游餐饮通过设计让消费者理解感知价值的意义和差异、消除认知曲解、参与价值创新等品牌社群活动,使品牌社群成员在活动体验中对品牌的认知与新疆旅游餐饮的期望相一致,形成从品牌注意到品牌依恋的正向增强的回馈;广度认知的学习机理是:通过品牌社群成员有形的人际网络和互联网虚拟的人际网络,使品牌社群成员对新疆旅游餐饮品牌学习深度认知的知识溢出和新疆旅游餐饮的品牌延伸,从而扩大新疆旅游餐饮品牌注意和认知的消费者群,形成从品牌注意到品牌依恋的滚雪球效应。 Based on the theory of psychology, brand creation and brand community, this paper chooses tourism catering branding in Xinjiang as the research object to build the learning mechanism which can couple and choose brand community as a platform to solve the problem "what to learn" and "how to learn". From the study of tourism catering branding in Xinjiang, this paper initi- ates two aspects (the brand core and brand elements) to define "what to learn", and based on the online and omine brand com- munity construction, this paper builds "how to learn" mechanism from two dimensions : the depth of brand cognitive learning and the breadth of cognitive learning. The depth of cognitive learning mechanism refers to through Xinjiang tourism catering special design to make consumers understand the meaning and differences of the value, eliminate cognitive distortion and participate in the activities of the value innovation of brand community to make their brand perception consistent with the expectations of Xin- jiang tourism catering to form positive feedback which turns brand attention into brand attachment. The breadth of cognitive learn- ing mechanism refers to through visible interpersonal and the Interact virtual Interpersonal networks of brand members of the com- munity to make cognitive knowledge in tourism catering branding in Xinjiang spill over and extend to the brand community mem- bers to expand the attention and the cognition of consumer groups to from snowballing effect turning brand attention into brand at- tachment.
作者 沈建文
出处 《新疆财经》 2016年第1期34-40,共7页 Finance & Economics of Xinjiang
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区旅游局项目"新疆旅游餐饮品牌培育与发展研究"
关键词 新疆旅游餐饮 品牌化 学习机制 Tourism Catering in Xinjiang Branding Learning Mechanism
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