Based on the theory of psychology, brand creation and brand community, this paper chooses tourism catering branding in Xinjiang as the research object to build the learning mechanism which can couple and choose brand community as a platform to solve the problem "what to learn" and "how to learn". From the study of tourism catering branding in Xinjiang, this paper initi- ates two aspects (the brand core and brand elements) to define "what to learn", and based on the online and omine brand com- munity construction, this paper builds "how to learn" mechanism from two dimensions : the depth of brand cognitive learning and the breadth of cognitive learning. The depth of cognitive learning mechanism refers to through Xinjiang tourism catering special design to make consumers understand the meaning and differences of the value, eliminate cognitive distortion and participate in the activities of the value innovation of brand community to make their brand perception consistent with the expectations of Xin- jiang tourism catering to form positive feedback which turns brand attention into brand attachment. The breadth of cognitive learn- ing mechanism refers to through visible interpersonal and the Interact virtual Interpersonal networks of brand members of the com- munity to make cognitive knowledge in tourism catering branding in Xinjiang spill over and extend to the brand community mem- bers to expand the attention and the cognition of consumer groups to from snowballing effect turning brand attention into brand at- tachment.
Finance & Economics of Xinjiang
Tourism Catering in Xinjiang
Learning Mechanism