
新常态下中美关系发展的特征与趋势 被引量:14

Features and Trends of China-US Relations in the “New Normal” Period
摘要 2015年,中美关系的竞争与摩擦呈上升之势,一些领域的竞争与摩擦导向了不同的结果,与此同时,稳定双边关系的努力取得成功,双边合作取得新进展并赋予两国关系以新的重要性。中国表现出更大的主动性和对两国关系更强的塑造能力。奥巴马执政的最后一年,对华政策不会有大的变化,但在南海问题上失控的风险上升。下一届美国政府仍将在对华关系上综合运用接触、合作与制约、平衡两手,双边关系有可能出现局部紧张和对抗。中国将继续推动中美关系的结构性变化,并加强对这一关系的战术管理。 In 2015, competition and frictions further intensified in China-US relations and led to a variety of results. Meanwhile, the two sides have successfully made efforts to stabilize bilateral ties, and achieved new progess in mutual cooperation. China has taken more initiatives in China-US relationship and manifested stronger ability to shape it. In the last year of the Obama administration, the US China policy is unlikely to undergo a profound shift, yet the risk is high for a loss of control over the South China Sea issue. Looking into the future, the next US administration will continue to adopt a mixed approach of engagement, cooperation, constraint and balance toward China, and tensions and confrontations may arise in some areas. China will continue to push for structural changes in bilateral relationship and renew its efforts to tactically manage it.
作者 吴心伯
出处 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期14-28,139,共15页 International Studies
基金 复旦大学中美新型大国关系协同创新中心的研究成果
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