
导管相关性血流感染预防与处理 被引量:7

Prevention and handling of catheter related bloodstream infections
摘要 导管相关性血流感染(CRBSI)是侵入性血管内置管技术较常见的并发症之一,此类感染可导致病死率及住院费用增高,并延长住院时间。CRBSI的发生率与经济水平、医疗水平及质量管理水平等有关,可以通过一系列的干预措施将其达到最小化,从而降低相应的病死率与经济损失。临床中可通过识别CRBSI的高危因素、掌握病原菌、完善操作前准备、严格遵守操作原则、做好置管后的护理与保养措施等来降低CRBSI的发生率。感染发生后,通过权衡利弊,早期拔除可能存在感染的导管,使CRBSI所导致的危害降至最低。 Catheter related bloodstream infections, one of the common complications of an invasive technology of intravascular-cathetering, increased mortality and cost and prolonged the time of hospitalization.And the morbidity is associated with economic level, medical level and quality management level, proper and effective intervention measures could make the morbidity, mortality and cost minimum. In clinical practice, carrying out the following measures,such as recognize risk factors, understand morbigenous microorganism, make full preparation for operation, strictly abide by the principle of operation and take care and maintenance measures,could reduce the morbidity of CRBSI. After weighing the pros and cons, catheters should be removed as soon as possible, then we could make negative effect minimum.
出处 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期146-150,共5页 Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
关键词 导管相关性血流感染 高危因素 病原菌 catheter related bloodstream infections riskfactor morbigenous microorganism
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