研究目的:在土地利用现状及变更数据的基础上,综合运用多种空间分析法,揭示2005—2013年龙泉驿区耕地非农化空间过程和规律,并通过非农化重心曲线分析其空间扩散路径,从而为耕地资源保护与合理利用提供参考借鉴。研究方法:综合运用空间数据挖掘、GIS空间分析、重心模型等数学模型方法。研究结果:(1)龙泉驿区耕地非农化空间分布较为明显,集中分布在西部平原的城镇周边及主要交通干线附近区域,表现出明显的不均衡性,但2009—2013年与2005—2009年相比,这种不均衡性有所减弱;(2)以耕地非农化指数为等级划分标准的高等别非农化区的行政村集中分布西部平原城镇周边区域,整体呈现出西高东低的空间分布格局,但2005—2009年与2009—2013年不同等级耕地非农化区数量关系及空间格局发生了较大变化;(3)2005—2013年不同等级耕地非农化重心呈现出由高到低从城乡结合部外围区域向城镇中心回旋的趋势,以2005—2009年为基础,2009—2013年高等级耕地非农化重心向西移动,而低等级向东移动,耕地非农化总体重心向西北方向移动了1861.32 m。研究结论:研究结果较好揭示了2005—2013年龙泉驿区耕地非农化空间格局及其空间扩散路径,在一定程度上能为耕地保护与合理利用提供决策参考。
Applying a series of spatial analytics e.g. GIS techniques and spatial data mining, this paper proposes to reveal the law and spatial process of cultivated land conversion in a typical rural-urban fringe zone of the Longquanyi District in Chengdu metropolitan area. Additionally, by analyzing the spatial diffusion path of cultivated land conversion in the studyarea based on the weighted center curve, this paper can provide decision references for cultivated land protection and intensive land use. The results showed that: 1 )there was a significant spatial pattern for the cultivated land conversion in Longquanyi District. In detail, the conversion which was mainly occurred in near urban area or along major transportation route, showed spatially uneven. According to time series analysis, such uneven tendency was more significant associated with the conversion from 2005 to 2009, than that from 2009 to 2013.2)The villages in higher class conversion areas, which were classified by cultivated land conversion indices, were distributed over the west region, where is a plain area and urbanized. But the spatial patterns for different classes of conversion areas were significantly different between the two periods, i.e. from 2005 to 2009, and from 2009 to 2013.3 )The pattern of the weighted centers for different classes of cultivated land conversions appeared a tendency that from higher to lower class and the centers moved from the periphery of rural-urban fringe zone to urban area. Based on the tendency for the conversion from 2005 to 2009, the weighted center for high class of cultivated land conversion from 2009 to 2013 moved to the west, while the weighted center for low class moved to the east. Overall, the weighted center for all classes moved to the northwest with 1861.32 m. It is concluded that the spatial pattern and diffusion path for the cultivated land conversion from 2005 to 2013 in Longquan District can be clearly revealed in this research, which can provide decision references for cultivated land prote
China Land Science
land use
cultivated land conversion
spatial pattern
diffusion path
rural-urban fringe zone