
学前儿童家长亲职教育现状与需求 被引量:55

On the Present Status and Needs for Parent Education of Preschool Children in China
摘要 本研究以1201名学前儿童家长为调查对象,对其参与幼儿园亲职教育的现状与需求进行了调查。结果显示"亲子活动""游园会""家长会"是家长参与度最高的活动类型,"专家讲座""父母成长团体"及"家长经验交流会"的参与度则较低;"亲子活动""家长参观日""游园会"是家长满意度最高的活动类型,"专家讲座""父母成长团体"及"家长经验交流会"的满意度则较低;家长参与度与满意度呈显著正相关,表明经常参与亲职活动的家长确实可以从中获得有用的知识与技能,提升自身亲职能力,进而对亲职活动产生认同感;家长的亲职教育需求是多元的,其中最需要的是教养儿童方面的知识与技能,以"养成良好行为习惯"最为迫切,其次是沟通与调适需求,以"亲子互动沟通方式"最为迫切,再次是家庭管理需求,以"家庭危机处理方法"最为迫切。与以往研究不同的是,本研究结果显示家长的亲职需求逐渐从"儿童本位"中解放出来,开始关注自身的沟通调适需求与家庭管理需求。可见在当前社会中,父母的压力不仅来自于如何教养儿童,更来自于家庭与社会,但目前幼儿园开展的亲职活动大多仍以家园互动经验为主,落脚点在儿童身上,没有对家长真实存在的亲职需求进行评估,单个活动缺乏深入性,活动与活动之间又缺少延续性,存在内容单一、追求热闹等突出问题。因此,建议幼儿园今后开展亲职教育活动时应充分考虑家长的亲职需求,重视活动的实用性与即时性,同时在活动形式上应尽可能地打破家长参与亲职活动的时空限制,多使用现代媒体资源,增加亲职教育的受众面。此外,还要结合社区资源,利用社区场地与人员,建立起以幼儿园为主体、社区为支持的亲职教育经验与资源共享平台,提升亲职教育的成效,扩大亲职教育的辐射面,使更多家长受益。 This study aimed to probe into the present status and needs for the parent education by investigating 1201 parents of preschool children in Hangzhou. The results showed that: (1) The participant ratios of "parent-child activities" (M=3.83), "garden party(M=3.82)" and "parent-teacher association" (M=3.60) were the top three highest, compared to "expert lecture" (M=2.67), "group guidance of effective parenting" (M=1.71) and "experience exchange meeting" (M=1.57) the lowest; (2) The satisfaction ratios of "parent-child activities" (M=3.76), "parents' visit day" (M=3.53) and "garden party" (M =3.51) were higher than "expert lecture" (M= 3.03), "group guidance of effective parenting" (M=2.20) and "experience exchange meeting" (M=1.86); (3) The satisfaction ratio had significant positive correlation with the ratio of participation (r=0.968, P〈0.001). Parents who often participated in parenting activities could obtain useful knowledge and skills, enhance their own parenting skills and make them have a sense of identification about parenting activities; (4) There were a wide range of urgent needs for the parent education, especially the needs for the children's learning and discipline demand, communication and adjustment demand, and family management demand" What different from previous studies was that parental needs were liberated from "child-centered and began to focus on their own communication demand and family management demand. Therefore, in order to improve the effects of parent education activities, kindergartens should fully consider the needs of parents and combine the resources of community while planning the activities.
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期57-66,共10页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:31271110)
关键词 亲职教育 亲职教育需求 家庭教育 parent education, needs for parent education, family education
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