
不道德行为产生后的道德自我评价 被引量:7

Disharmony of Mind and Tongue:The Moral Self-evaluation Made after People Were Engaged in the Unethical Behavior
摘要 目的:探究人们在产生不道德行为后的道德自我评价特点。方法:通过操控想像启动范式,采用内隐联想测验和诚实-谦逊量表测量被试的道德自我评价。结果:两种实验条件中的相容任务反应时都要显著短于不相容任务反应时(实验组:t=-13.42,P<0.01;控制组:t=-12.85,P<0.01);相较于常规行为组被试,不道德行为组被试表现出更消极的内隐道德自我评价(t=-2.05,P<0.05,d=-0.55),而两组在外显测量上的道德自我评价不存在显著差异(t=-1.03,P=0.31,d=-0.28);两种实验条件中的内隐道德自我评价和外显道德自我评价都不存在显著相关(实验组:r=-0.308,P>0.05;控制组:r=-0.003,P>0.05)。结论:人们的道德自我评价存在积极倾向,即人们总是积极看待自我与道德相关的品质;不道德行为产生后的道德自我评价存在内隐倾向;人们的内隐道德自我评价和外显道德自我评价存在分离现象。 Objective:To explore the characteristics of the moral self-evaluation made after people was engaged in the unethical behavior.Methods:By manipulating the imagine priming paradigm,using the implicit association test and the Honesty-Humility scale to measure the moral self-evaluation.Results:Reaction time of compatible task was significantly shorter than the reaction time of incompatible task in both experimental conditions(experimental group:t=-13.42,P〈0.01;control group:t=-12.85,P〈0.01).In the transgression condition,negative self-evaluation was increased compared to the control condition(t=-2.05,P〈0.05,d=-0.55),and two groups of the moral self-evaluation showed that there was no significant difference on the explicit measure(t=-1.03,P=0.31,d=-0.28).The explicit moral self-evaluation and implicit moral self-evaluation had no significant correlation in both experimental conditions(experimental group:r=-0.308,P〉0.05;control group:r=-0.003,P〉0.05).Conclusion:People'moral self-evaluation has positive tendency,in other words,people tend to be generally positive about moral quality regarding the self;people have implicit tendency of moral self-evaluation after engaged in the unethical behavior;the explicit moral self-evaluation and the implicit moral self-evaluation separate from each other.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2016年第2期235-239,共5页 China Journal of Health Psychology
基金 广西研究生教育创新计划资助项目(编号:YCSW2014080)
关键词 道德自我评价 不道德行为 内隐联想测验 双重加工模型 Moral self-evaluation Unethical behavior Implicit association test Dual-process model
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