
专利制度的“阿喀琉斯之踵”及其克服 被引量:4

The Achilles' Heel of Patent Law and Its Solutions
摘要 技术创新是经济增长的引擎。专利制度以发明的市场利润为手段激励技术创新。然而,当市场提供给创新者的预期回报较低或不能补偿创新投资时,市场利润的激励手段并不能实现激励创新的目标,它构成了专利制度的"阿喀琉斯之踵"。为克服专利制度的局限性,国家为激励创新所采取的政策工具和法律手段具有多元性,它包括研发资助和税收优惠等。不同激励机制具有不同型态的成本、收益,在社会或创新者之间的成本、收益也并不一致,不同的激励机制具有发挥各自作用的场域。因此,既要坚持专利制度在激励创新中的基础地位,也要重视发挥其他激励机制的作用。这不仅是专利制度改革应秉持的基本原则,也是完善其他激励机制的出发点。 Technological innovation,which is the engine of economic development,is encouraged by patent law through market profits of invention.However,when the anticipated profits of invention are lower or less than the investment,patent law cannot achieve its purpose of encouraging innovation.Thus,the market profits of invention under patent law are its Achilles' heel.To overcome the shortcomings of patent law,the policy tool and law adopted by the stateare diversified,including the public fund,RD credit and so on.With different territory,different institutions have different returns and costs,leading to different influence among the society and the innovators.Thus,it is necessary to uphold the basic role of patent law,and meanwhile to take other laws seriously.This is the criterion to reform the patent law,and is also the starting point to perfect other laws to encourage innovation.
作者 梁志文
出处 《吉首大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第1期58-69,共12页 Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
基金 中国法学会课题(CLS(2015)D129) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目资助
关键词 技术创新 专利制度 研发资助 税收优惠 technological innovation patent law public fund R&D credit
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