1A. Lashkari,M. Danesh,B. Samadi.A survey on wireless security protocols (WEP, WPA and WPA2/802.11i). Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009. ICCSIT 2009. 2nd IEEE International Conference on . 2009 被引量:1
2Lei Zhang,Jiang Yu,Zugao Deng,Renfei Zhang.The security analysis of WPA encryptionin wireless network. Consumer Electronics,Communications and Networks (CECNet),20122nd International Conference . 被引量:1
3Ying Wang,Zhigang Jin,Ximan Zhao.Practical Defence againstWEPandWPA-PSK AttackforWLAN. Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM),20106th International Conference . 被引量:1
4Martin Beck,Erik Tews.Practical Attacks Against WEP and WPA. WiSec’’09Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Wireless network security . 2009 被引量:1
5Lei Zhang,Jiang Yu,Rong Zong,Jun Chang,Jin Xue.Prevention research of Cracking WPA-PSKkeybased on GPU. ConsumerElectronics,CommunicationsandNetworks (CECNet),20122nd International Conference . 被引量:1
6A. Lashkari,M. Danesh,B. Samadi.A survey on wireless security protocols (WEP, WPA and WPA2/802.11i). Computer Science and Information Technology, 2009. ICCSIT 2009. 2nd IEEE International Conference on . 2009 被引量:1
7Lei Zhang,Jiang Yu,Zugao Deng,Renfei Zhang.The security analysis of WPA encryptionin wireless network. Consumer Electronics,Communications and Networks (CECNet),20122nd International Conference . 被引量:1
8Ying Wang,Zhigang Jin,Ximan Zhao.Practical Defence againstWEPandWPA-PSK AttackforWLAN. Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM),20106th International Conference . 被引量:1
9Martin Beck,Erik Tews.Practical Attacks Against WEP and WPA. WiSec’’09Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Wireless network security . 2009 被引量:1
10Lei Zhang,Jiang Yu,Rong Zong,Jun Chang,Jin Xue.Prevention research of Cracking WPA-PSKkeybased on GPU. ConsumerElectronics,CommunicationsandNetworks (CECNet),20122nd International Conference . 被引量:1