

On Issues of the Employment of High Expectation College Students without Siblings
摘要 面对独生子女大学生就业中的诸多困惑问题,以Paulhus 1998年提出的双成分模型为理论基础,运用Maslow’s需要层次理论、胜任力模型、人-岗匹配等科学理论,结合调查问卷、个案调查、实验法、比较法等手段,对就业者和未就业者进行了对比研究,探讨了高期许困惑独生子女职业生涯,并对其成因进行了较为系统地分析及提出摆脱困惑的方法。为独生子女大学生尽早适应岗位,为大学适应性素质教育和用人单位人事管理提供重要参考及社会和谐稳定提供有益帮助。 Based on the Two-component Model Theory put forward by Paulhus in 1998, this study mainly focuses on the application of Maslow Need Hierarchy Theory, Competency Model, Human-oc- cupation Match, aiming at the comparison between employees and unemployed people. Particular attention goes to the students without siblings who gain too much expectation. By questionnaires, case studies, experimentation and comparison, this paper analyze the causes and provide some tentative solutions. In this way, students without siblings may get adapted to work and employers could get useful reference, and society would be more harmonious in this regard.
作者 韩文强
出处 《西北医学教育》 2016年第1期106-109,共4页 Northwest Medical Education
基金 西安思源学院校级科研项目"高期许与职业倦怠困惑独生子女大学生就业的研究"(XASY-A1409)
关键词 社会期许式作答 心理测量 胜任力模型 志愿性失业 独生子女大学生 socially desirable responding mental measurement competency model volunteer unemployment collge students without siblings
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