

Interrelationship between the I-S Model and the Construction of Internal Lexicon
摘要 为揭示突击学习英语单词效果不佳的深层原因,以信息加工系统模型和扩散激活模型为基础,结合二者在各自阐释内部词典突击构建时的优势与劣势,整合出新的I-S模型,为内部词典突击构建提供了一个简约、统一的解释。经过验证,进一步证明了I-S模型的有效性。研究发现:信息加工过程蕴含着扩散激活的过程,两种心理过程是纠缠在一起的,因此单一的理论模型往往无法对心理现象做出充分的解释;由于信息网络的残缺、孤立或交叉等原因,新信息或新信息网络无法进入长时记忆,所以内部词典的突击构建经常是不成功的。 In order to disclose the underlying causes of the failure in learning a lot of English in a short time,the present study creates a new model called I-S through integrating the information processing model and the spreading activation model,because both of them have their advantages and weaknesses while explaining the object.This I-S model provides a simple and systematic explanation for the failure of learning numbers of words in a short time.It is found that information processing implies spreading activating,for they were intertwined;new information is not able to enter long-term memory because the semantic networks of some words were not complete,isolated or intertwined.Therefore,to cramming for tests usually leads to failure.
作者 赵帮华
出处 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第12期52-56,共5页 Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部职业院校外语教育指导委员会一般课题(GZGZ5414-49)
关键词 信息加工 扩散激活 内部词典 突击学习 information processing spreading activation internal lexicon cramming
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