
列宁关于社会主义治理的思想及其启示意义——与诺曼·莱文商榷 被引量:2

Lenin's Idea of Socialist Governance and Its Significance——A Discussion with Norman Levin
摘要 列宁在俄国革命和社会主义建设实践中积极探索社会主义治理方式。诺曼·莱文全面否定列宁治理思想有两个重要原因:一方面,诺曼·莱文忽视马克思的自由人联合体治理方式是超越市民社会的治理方式;另一方面,诺曼·莱文忽视了列宁对于社会主义过渡阶段治理的关注。列宁在苏俄社会主义的实践从"理想治理"转向"现实治理",并指明:坚持和完善党的领导,注重党的执政能力的提高;坚持人民主体地位,注重人民群众治理能力的提升;建立健全制度和法律,规范社会的权力运行和维护公共秩序。这些理论成果和经验总结对于深化理解中国特色社会主义治理具有重要启示:社会主义治理要以社会主义初级阶段为现实基础,以建设和发展社会主义为目标,积极培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观。 Lenin actively explored the socialist mode of governance in the practice of Russian revolution and socialist construction. There are two key reasons for Norman Levin's negation of Lenin's idea of governance: on the one hand,he ignored Marx's united governance mode for free people was one beyond civil society. As governance in the first stage of communism falls within the governance of socialist civil society,the socialist "national governance"should play the role of guiding the "social governance ". On the other hand,Norman Levin overlooked Lenin's attention to management in the period of socialist transition. In the transformation from "ideal governance"to "practical management"in the practice of Soviet socialism,Lenin pointed out that efforts should be made to uphold and improve Party leadership,to enhance the Party's governing ability,to adhere to the people's principal status,to upgrade the management skills of the masses,to establish and perfect the system and the law,and to specify social power operation and to maintain public order. These theoretical results and experience are of great enlightenment for further understanding socialist governance with Chinese characteristics,that is,socialist governance should be based on the primary stage of socialism and aim at building and developing socialism so as to actively cultivate and carry forward core socialist values.
作者 杨晶
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第11期84-90,共7页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题"列宁的社会主义社会治理模式及其当代中国意义研究"(项目编号:14NDJC243YB)
关键词 列宁 社会主义治理 新经济政策 Lenin socialist governance new economic policies
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