The Securitization Of Credit Assets began in the middle of 1990s In China. The first pilot in China was carried out securitization of credit assets in 2005, in 2012, 2013 our country has started the second and the third pilot work securitization of credit assets, especially on August , 2013, August the resolution of State Council executive meeting start third pilot work which clearly will further expand the pilot securitization of credit assets, at the same time, the quality of credit assets securitization pro-ducts can be traded on an ex- change, marking China's rapid development in the field of the securitization of credit assets. With the develop- ment of this business, many problems have gradually surfaced, such as legal and regulatory issues, asset quality problems, such as problems of credit rating. In this paper, the development process of credit asset securitization in our country will be analyzed in detail, a thorough analysis of the problems in the process of highlighting the pilot, and in order to Promote the implementation of me credit asset securitization, the paper will put forward some suggestions in development of our country's credit asset securitization such as careful selection of basic assets, reason-able structure of SPV,to create a favorable external environment.
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology
credit asset securitization pilot Discovered Problems Development Strategies